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**************DESCRIPCION DEL ARTICULO***********************
Válvula / Actuador Turbo Nueva Mini Cooper S K03
Mini Coope S R55 R56 R57 R58 R59 R60 EP6DTS N14
for 2009-12 Mini Coope S-R55-R56 with EP6 DTS,EP6DTS N14 Engine
for 2012-14 Mini Cooper S, Hatchback, Convertible, Clubman Wago (R55, R56, R57) with EP6 DTS Engine
for 2012-14 Mini Cooper Countryman S Hatchback, All 4 Hatchback (R60) with EP6 DTS Engine
for 2012-14 Mini Cooper S, Coupe Coupe, Roadster Convertible (R58, R59) with EP6 DTS Engine
for 2012-14 Mini Cooper Paceman S Hatchback, Paceman S All 4 Hatchback (R61) with EP6 DTS Engine
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