Anuncios Clasificados
Pack de archivos STL para imprimir en 3D, Ojo son modelos Digitales, no es la figura física, la figura que se muestra en las imágenes es ilustrativa, pero su modelo si viene dentro del pack, aparte de los modelos Warhammer40 hay muchísimos mas modelos dentro del pack.
- genestealers
- grand avenger champion (roboute guilliman)
- great heretic psychic (tzeentch psyker on disc)
- grey terminators squad V1 & V2
- heroes of the chapter
- hexed devotees
- infiltrators (ad mech sicarian infiltrators)
- interceptor team
- killer team casiuss v1 & v2
- kyganil
- Leviathan terminator librarian
- librarian of the plague (tallyman)
- librarian primaris
- marshal of the raiders (skitarii marshal)
- mephiston
- neural xenos (neurobugs)
- phobos character (lieutenant in phobos armor
- phobic infiltrators (phobos armor)
- phobos librarian (psyker in phobos armor)
- pirovore fire mortar
- plague champion (Nauseous rotbone)
- poxwalkers
- primal xeno (tyranid winged prime)
- primaris intercessors
- psychic space dwarf with drones (grimnyr)
- psychomancer
- regnar special champion (ragnar blackmane)
- revenant forest spirit team (tree revenants)
- ruststalker (skitarii vanguard)
- ruined sick demons (plaguebearers of nurgle)
- sick marine champion (nurgle chaos champion)
- slayer champion (ulrik the slayer)
- SoS scans (sisters of silence)
- space captain & honor guard (marneus calgar)
- space captain (Uriel ventis???)
- space captain hand of challenge (tor garadon)
- space dwarf champion (einhyr champion)
- space elf assassin (jain zar)
- space lord of the hunt (kor'sarro khan korsarro)
- space mechanic (techmarine)
- space nuns assassins (DAEMONIFUGE – EPHRAEL STERN & KYGANIL)
- space nuns champion (sister dogmata)
- space nuns commander (canoness)
- space nuns warsuit necha (paragon warsuits)
- sternguard veteran team
- sword veterans (bladeguard)
- technological undead robot (cryptek)
- terminators_new (leviathan terminators)
- death guard terminator champion (lord of verulence)
- death guard terminator champions squad
- leviathan terminator squad
- Voldus (grand master voldus)
- von ryan leapers
- warty orc champion (zodgrod wortsnagga)
- watch lord (watch master)
- white consul champion (captain with terminator armor)
- wight king
- xeno shooters (termagaunts)
- xv15 stealth suits
Anuncios Clasificados