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The Rx Elbow Support is a versatile product that provides strong support for heavy workouts or pain relief if you are injured. The construction of the product is build on a unique patent, securing its anatomical fit. The shape allows the product to follow the body's motions . This creates a combined mental and physical frame to keep your body moving towards strength instead of injury. The elbow support will guide your body in moving correctly without limiting muscle development around your elbow. The Rehband Rx Elbow Support is classified as a medical device. It combines the key benefits stability, compression and warmth. Stability offers a mental and physical feeling of safety. Compression helps preventing injuries and increases your muscle memory of how to move correctly. Warmth protects your joints and soft tissues from injury. Together these elements improve your performance capability. Take your training to the next level with Rehband Rx Elbow Support.
- Da calor y aumenta el flujo de sangre. Proporciona alivio del dolor. Proporciona compresión alrededor de la articulación del codo. Aumenta la coordinación muscular en la zona (propiocepción).
- Indicación: problemas inflamatorios, hematomas.
- El producto no es a prueba de fuego, evitar temperatura por encima de 120°C o 248°F.
- Si el producto contiene látex o caucho y eres alérgico al látex o al caucho, te recomendamos que consultes a un terapeuta antes de utilizar el apoyo.
- Si eres alérgico al calor, te recomendamos que utilices un producto que no contenga SBR/neopreno
Tamaño: Small
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