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Color: rosado, (Pink Body/Titanium Chrome)
NRG SRK-200PK 2.0 Quick Release Pink Body Titanium Chrome Ring The NRG Innovations has developed the Next Racing Generation in quick release. These new units feature many options that conventional Ball-Lock quick release systems do not offer including specially designed raised sections to prevent the hub from stretches, a self locking mechanism for ease of use and safety functions, and as always, a variety of different colors and color combinations. Made from highest quality aircraft aluminum or powder-coated stainless steel for maximum durability, these units are meant to last, remain stylish, as well as have functional usage.
*Offering the largest selection of steering wheels in the market today
*Our Patented short hub allows the use of the quick release while retaining close-to-stock dimensions
*NRG offers the only dual spring self-indexing quick releases in the market
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