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Mommy Care's Anti Striae stretch marks cream preserve and enhance your skin's natural elasticity and smoothness;This unique stretch mark lotion is specifically formulated to make skin more supple and stretch mark resistant;Mommy Care stretch mark prevention cream has a non greasy texture that is great even to the most sensitive skin;A stretch mark cream pregnancy that has zero Petrochemicals, Paraben free and no Phthalates;Mommy Care formulated this especially-for-you-mom-who-is pregnant stretch mark cream, made of the finest organic ingredients, perfect for mother's to avoid the annoying stretch marks pregnancy
- Mommy Care Anti Striae - Pregnancy Stretch Marks Cream | All Natural Stretch Mark Lotion Making it the Best Lotion for Stretch Marks Pregnancy Related (100ml/3.52 Fl Oz)
- 3.52 Oz
- Instrucciones de uso: uso por la mañana y la noche a partir de la docétima semana de embarazo hasta el nacimiento. Aplica una cantidad generosa de la crema en el estómago, muslos, parte inferior y pecho. Masajea con movimientos circulares hasta que la crema esté completamente absorbida
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