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Memoria SD de 32 GB compatible con Nintendo 2DS y 3DS.
Incluye gran variedad de emuladores y juegos para diversas consolas, como son:
• Atari 2600:
- Centipede.
- Donkey Kong.
- ET The Extra Terrestrial.
- Frogger.
- Mario Bros.
- Missile Command.
- Pac-Man.
- Pitfall!
- 32 in 1.
• Game Boy:
- Kirby's Dream Land.
- Kirby's Dream Land 2.
- Mario & Yoshi.
- Medarot - Kabuto Version.
- Mega Man - Dr. Wily's Revenge.
- Metroid 2 - Return of Samus.
- Pinball Español.
- Pokémon Azul.
- Pokémon Blue Kaizo.
- Pokémon Brown.
- Pokémon Rojo.
- Super Mario Land.
- Super Mario Land 2 6 Golden Coins.
- Super Mario Land 3 - Warioland.
• Game Boy Color:
- Bomberman Quest.
- Dragon Ball Z - Guerreros de Leyenda.
- Dragon Quest Monster Cobi.
- Harry Potter.
- Kettou Transformers Beast Wars - Beast Senshi Saikyou Ketteisen.
- Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening DX.
- Legend of Zelda - The Oracle of Seasons.
- Legend of Zelda - The Oracle of Ages.
- Metal Gear Solid.
- Pocket Bomberman.
- Pokémon Amarillo.
- Pokémon Cards Español.
- Pokémon Cristal.
- Pokémon Crystal Clear.
- Pokémon Diamante.
- Pokémon Oro.
- Pokémon Plata.
- Pokémon Puzzle Challenge.
- Pokémon Prism.
- Resident Evil Gaiden.
- R-Type DX.
- Tetris DX.
• Game Boy Advance:
- Advance Wars 2 Black Hole Rising.
- Castlevania - Circle of the Moon.
- Castlevania - Harmony of Dissonance.
- Castlevania Aria of Sorrow.
- Contra Advance - The Alien Wars EX.
- Crash Bandicoot Fusion.
- Crash Bandicoot XS.
- Crash Nitro Kart.
- Donkey Kong Country.
- Donkey Kong Country 2.
- Donkey Kong Country 3.
- Dragon Ball Z - Advance adventure.
- Final Fantasy I & II - Dawn of Souls.
- Final Fantasy IV Advance.
- Final Fantasy V Advance.
- Final Fantasy VI Advance.
- Final Fight One.
- Ghost Rider.
- Golden Sun 1.
- Golden Sun 2 - La Edad Perdida.
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
- Kirby - Nightmare in Dream Land.
- Lord of the Rings, The - The Return of the King.
- Lord of the Rings, The - The Third Age.
- Lord of the Rings, The - The Two Towers.
- Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga.
- Mario Kart - Super Circuit.
- Mario Tennis Advance - Power Tour.
- Mario vs. Donkey Kong.
- Megaman Zero 1.
- Megaman Zero 2.
- Megaman Zero 3.
- Megaman Zero 4.
- Metal Slug Advance.
- Metroid - Zero Mission.
- Metroid Fusion.
- Mother 1+2.
- Mother 3.
- Motoracer Advance.
- Ninja Five-0.
- Phalanx - The Enforce Fighter.
- Piratas del Caribe - El cofre del hombre muerto.
- Pokémon Ash Gray.
- Pokémon Battle Ultimate.
- Pokémon Black Dark Beta.
- Pokémon Brillo Purpura.
- Pokémon Classic 151+.
- Pokémon Crush.
- Pokémon Elite Redux.
- Pokémon Emerald Rogue EX.
- Pokémon Esmeralda.
- Pokémon Gaia.
- Pokémon Glazed+.
- Pokémon GS Chronicles.
- Pokémon Hoenn Adventures 1.
- Pokémon Inclemet Emerald.
- Pokémon Islas Doradas.
- Pokémon Let´s Go Pikachu GBA.
- Pokémon Ligth Platinum.
- Pokémon Liquid Cristal.
- Pokémon Mundo Misterioso.
- Pokémon Omega Red.
- Pokémon Orange Island.
- Pokémon Pinball RZ.
- Pokémon Radical Red.
- Pokémon Red Chapter.
- Pokémon Rojo Fuego.
- Pokémon Run and Bun.
- Pokémon Saiph.
- Pokémon Team Rocket Edition.
- Pokémon Unbound.
- Pokémon Vega.
- Pokémon Verde Hoja.
- Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith.
- Super Mario Advance 1 - Super Mario 2.
- Super Mario Advance 2 - Super Mario World.
- Super Mario Advance 3 - Yoshi's Island.
- Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros 3.
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo.
- Tak and the Power of Juju.
- The Legend of Zelda - The Minish Cap.
- TMNT Double Pack.
- Wario Land 4.
- Yu-Gi-Oh! - 7 Trials to Glory.
• Mega Drive:
- Castlevania - The New Generation.
- Contra - Hard Corps.
- Dragon Ball Z - Buu Yuu Retsuden.
- Gunstar Heroes.
- OutRun.
- Shining Force II.
- Soleil.
- Sonic The Hedgehog - Stage Select.
- Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Beta).
- Streets of Rage 2.
• Neo Geo Pocket:
- Biomotor Unitron.
- Evolution - Eternal Dungeons.
- Faselei!
- King of Fighters R-2 - Pocket Fighting Series (World).
- Neo Geo Cup '98.
- Neo Turf Masters (World).
- Rockman - Battle & Fighters.
- SNK Vs Capcom - Match Of The Millennium.
• NES:
- 64-in-1.
- Battletoads.
- Bomberman.
- Castlevania.
- Contra.
- Duck Tales.
- Final Fantasy I & II.
- Ghosts'n Goblins.
- Kirby's Adventure.
- The Legend of Zelda.
- Mega Man.
- Mega Man 2.
- Metal Gear.
- Metroid.
- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
- Street Fighter II.
- Street Fighter III.
- Super Mario Bros.
- Super Mario Bros 2.
- Super Mario Bros 3.
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3.
- Tetris.
- Zelda 2 - The Adventure of Link.
- Captain Tsubasa III Español.
- Chrono Trigger Español.
- Earthbound.
- Final Fantasy VI.
- Super Mario World.
- The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past Español.
• NDS:
- Batman - The Brave and the Bold.
- Beyblade Metal Fusion.
- Beyblade Metal Masters - Nightmare Rex.
- Captain Tsubasa - New Kick Off.
- Children of Mana.
- Chrono Trigger.
- Death Note - Kira Game.
- Digimon World DS.
- Disgaea DS.
- Dragon Ball - Origins.
- Dragon Ball - Origins 2.
- Dragon Ball Kai - Ultimate Butou Den.
- Dragon Ball Z - Goku Densetsu.
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2 - Grimoire of the Rift.
- Jump Ultimate Stars.
- Lunar Knights.
- Magical Starsign.
- Medarot DS - Kabuto Version.
- Medarot DS - Kuwagata Version.
- Might & Magic - Clash of Heroes.
- Monster Rancher DS.
- Monster Tale.
- Naruto - Ninja Destiny.
- Naruto - Ninja Destiny II.
- Naruto - Path of the Ninja.
- Naruto - Path of the Ninja 2.
- Naruto Shippuden - Ninja Council 4.
- Naruto Shippuden - Shinobi Retsuden III.
- One Piece - Gigant Battle!
- One Piece Gigant Battle 2 - Shin Sekai.
- Pokémon Altered Platinum.
- Pokémon Blaze Black.
- Pokémon Diamante Desafío Sinnoh.
- Pokémon Diamond Sun and Moon.
- Pokémon Following Renegade Platinum.
- Pokémon Fuse White 2.
- Pokémon Hoenn White EX.
- Pokémon Horror White.
- Pokémon Master Quest Johto.
- Pokémon Mega Delta.
- Pokémon Moon Black 2.
- Pokémon Moon Silver.
- Pokémon N and The Mystert of Latios.
- Pokémon Omega Paradox.
- Pokémon Paradox Platinum Alpha.
- Pokémon Platino+.
- Pokémon Platino Fusionlocke.
- Pokémon Pure Crystal - Heart Gold Edition.
- Pokémon Randomizado.
- Pokémon Renegade Platinum.
- Pokémon Sacred Gold.
- Pokémon Soothing Silver.
- Pokémon Soul Silver Fusion.
- Pokémon Sun Pearl Version.
- Pokémon Volt White 2.
- Radiant Historia.
- Solatorobo - Red the Hunter.
- Spectrobes.
- Spider-Man - Shattered Dimensions.
- Spider-Man - Web of Shadows.
- Ultimate Spider-Man.
- Suikoden - Tierkreis.
- Yu-Gi-Oh! - Nightmare Troubadour.
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010 - Reverse of Arcadia.
- Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2011 - Over the Nexus.
- Zoids Saga DS - Legend of Arcadia.
• N3DS:
- Metal Gear Solid 3D - Snake Eater.
- Pokemon Star.
- Pokemon Supernova Sun.
- Resident Evil - Revelations.
Entre muchos otros.
Nota: Es necesario que la consola esté modificada para que sea posible jugar todo lo mencionado y más.
La memoria se abrió únicamente para agregar todos los emuladores y juegos descritos, pero es totalmente nueva.
En la compra de este producto se incluye una membresía de 30 días por si el comprador desea agregar algún título de GBA y/o NDS.
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