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Medidor para Gas Natural, LP o Biogas, cat. 3M175 SSM CTR B3 2", marca Dresser Meters, mecanico, desplazamiento 85 M3 por Hora, puede usarse en plantas industriales o en biodigestores para medicion del biogas, en generadores etc. equipo nuevo de fabrica. Opcion con salida de pulsos de baja frecuencia ICPWS agregando el costo del vaso con el puerto de salida. ENTREGA INMEDIATA. Peso 14 Kg. Medidas 68.50X28X23 Cms. Garantia total, primeros 2 meses cambio de equipo por nuestra parte, sin necesidad de enviar a fabrica.
Cuenta con certificado de calibración de fábrica.
*Flow Rate: 3000 CUFH (3Millon BTU),
*2 Inch 150# Flanges
*Max. Presure: 175 PSI
*5 Digit Mechanical Odometer
* No Outputs
*Suitable For Digester Gas
*Internal Parts Replaced with stainless steel
*8 Ounce Meter oil included
Type SSM ROOTS® special service meters are continuous duty meters for measurement of gases where entrained, suspended liquids may be present and where the gas being measured may have a corrosive effect on some of the materials employed in meters of standard construction. Typical
applications would be in a production pipeline with sour, wet gases or in a sewage treatment plant to measure gases produced by a sludge digester.
SSM Construction
All carbon steel parts have been eliminated from the gas stream in a Special Service Meter. The bearings are made of stainless steel as are the timing gears, spring clips, and internal cap screws. The bearing retainers and timing gear clamps are made of anodized aluminum to provide greater resistance to corrosion.
All aluminum parts of the measurement chamber are hard coat anodized for added corrosion and abrasion resistance.
Series B3
8C175 SSM ROOTS® Meter, Counter with Solid State Pulser Lubrication Meters installed and maintained in accordance with factory recommendations can be expected to operate dependably for many years. Proper oil level and cleanliness have the greatest effect on meter life expectancy. With wet gases, line condensate (which affects meter life and accuracy) can quickly accumulate in the end covers of the meter. If this happens, the oil level will increase in the oil gauges on the meter end covers. Each user will need to develop their own maintenance/oil change cycle to combat this situation.
Depending on the amount of saturation, the oil may need to be changed as little as every few years or, in extreme conditions, on a daily basis.
Under normal conditions, oil change frequency will depend upon the cleanliness of the gas being measured. When the color changes, the oil will need to be changed. Under favorable conditions, these periods may be from 3 to 5 years, or longer.
Special consideration should be given to meters in highly corrosive environments to eliminate potential long-term problems.
Some key points are:
• Use a 100-mesh screen or filter upstream of the meter to eliminate debris and foreign material from entering the meter.
• Insert a trap or strainer upstream of the meter to separate water slugs, condensate, and entrained liquids from the gas. The device used for moisture removal should be drained as required, i.e. monthly, daily, or possibly as often as hourly.
• Locate line mount meters as high as possible in a vertical (downward) pipe run.
• The temperature of the gas at the meter should be higher than the temperature of the upstream gas. This helps prevent condensation in the meter.
• Run the meter continuously, if possible
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