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¡La versión 2017 / 2018 no es compatible, ¡ preste atención!
Este control remoto AKB75855501 - AKB75635305 - AGF79298801 . Viene con función de voz. compatible con los siguientes modelos:
Compatible TV Series: BX, CX,GX, WX, ZX, B9, C9, E9, W9, Z9, NANO99, NANO97, NANO95NANO91, NANO90,NANO86,NANO81, NANO80,UN85,UN81, UN80 UN74, UN73,UN71, UM80.UM75, UM73, UM71, UM6970, SM99, SM95, SM90, SM86, SM81 series. Voice Magic remotereplacement for LG smart TV Nano 8 9 Series 4K/ 8K Ultra HD Smart LED NanoCell TV, 4K LEDUHD Smart TV and OLED 4K UHD Smart TV. When you buy, please note that this is not theoriginal remote control, but the replacement effect will be very good. The Magic Remote need topair with TV to use. Put batteries into the Magic Remote and turn the TV on. Point the MagicRemote atyour TV and press the Wheel on the remote control. When the pointer is not working,press and hold the GUIDE button button for more than 5 seconds to disconnect and re-registerthe motion sensor remote control at the same time. Using a new magic remote control, or amagic remote control for another TV, this pairing process is required before use
Garantía del vendedor: 7 días
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