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Size: 2-Inch-by-.012-Inch
The Forney 72729 2-Inch Crimped Wire Cup Brushes are ideal for light duty cleaning action. Typical applications include removal of dirt, rust, paint, scale and weld spatter. Stem mounted wire cup brush with hex shank. Designed for easy access into narrow holes and confined areas. Crimped style for light to medium duty applications. Use with any electric power drills. Forney Industries is one of America's longest operating family-owned metal working product companies. Founded in 1932, Forney offers more than 5,000 products for the hardware, automotive, farm and ranch and do-it-yourself markets. 2-Inch (50.8-mm) by0.012-Inch (0.305-mm) coarse wire cup brush with 1/4-Inch (6.35-mm) hex shank. Max 6,000-RPM. Claims for warranty must be made within 90 days of the date of purchase. Proof of purchase required. This warranty does not cover any product that has been subject to misuse, neglect, negligence or accident, or that has been used in any way contrary to the purpose intended.
*Ideal para limpieza ligera.
*Las aplicaciones típicas incluyen la eliminación de suciedad, óxido, pintura, escala y salpicaduras de soldadura.
*Para uso con cualquier taladro eléctrico de 1/4 de pulgada de diámetro o taladro neumático (aire).
*Diámetro: 50,8 mm.
*Vástago: 6,35 mm.;Material: acero.;Tamaño del cable hexagonal: 0,304 mm.;Revoluciones máximas por minuto (RPM): 6000.;Haz clic en el nombre de By Forney en azul debajo del título para ver nuestro catálogo completo de soldadores, abrasivos, cuerda de cadena/alambre, herramientas y mucho más.
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