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- The bowl has been specially designed to maximise the use of your shaving soap, so that you can get the perfect lather with minimal soap use.
- The metalposition also means that it absorbs and retains heat easily, meaning you get the warm lather you desire. Warm lather is key to plifying your shaving experience.
- The flat base provides perfect bility, and the bowl is hand sized for ease of handling.
- The secret to a crey lather is the amount of moire added. This bowl will give you a lot of control over your lathers richness due to its captive environment.
- Lathering in a bowl keeps your bathroom cleaner, and soap off your hands..Not only does a bowl eble you to build the perfect lather, you dont have to repeat the process in between p. Once your lather is created, its there and ready to rock and roll whenever you need it..Its super easy to give your bowl a quick rinse along with your brush after shaving. And the stainless steel of our shaving bowl means you dont need to worry about rust!
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