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49-252158-000A 49252158000A piezas Diebold Opteva lector de tarjetas cabezal magnético R/W-
49-252158-000A Magnetic Card Reader Head
Brand Name : DIEBOLD
Model Number : 49-252158-000A
Certification : CO
Packaging Details : Natural packing or according to customer's requirement
Warranty : 90days or 3months or more
Condition : Original New
Product name : card reader Magnetic Head
Used in : Diebold Opteva ATM machine 562
49-252158-000A Diebold Opteva Parts Card Reader Magnetic R/W Head
49-252158-000A Diebold Opteva Parts Card Reader Magnetic R/W Head
DN Series™ Motorized Card Reader
Manually Retrieving Retained or Captured Cards
The motorized card reader has an open retained card bin or a locked retained card bin to store cap
tured cards. The retained card bin holds all cards not returned to consumers.
A card may be retained for the following reasons:
•The network commanded the system to retain the card.
•The consumer left the card in the card slot loo long after the transaction session ended.
•After a power failure process ended.
Perform the following steps to manually retrieve retained or captured cards.
1.Open the system and gain access to the card reader.
2.Remove the captured cards from the card bin.
Perform the following steps to clean the card reader with commands.
1.Place the system in maintenance mode.
2.Insert the head cleaning card into the card slot.
3.The card reader tries to read the cleaning card, moves the card over the read head that is being
cleaned and finally ejects the card. It may be necessary to repeat the operation several times.
4.Return the system to the normal mode of operation.
5.Dispose of cleaning card.
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