Anuncios Clasificados
144 apartamentos en 9 Torres de 4 niveles/144 apartments in nine 4 story towers
Penthouse de 3 habitaciones/3 room penthouses
Unidades de 2 habitaciones/2 rooms units
Primera planta tiene swim up/the first floor has a swim up
2da, 3era y 4ta unidad tiene un picuzzi/2nd, 3rd and 4th units have a cocktail pool
Amenidades de White Sand/White Sand amenities
Campos de Golf/Golf courses
Lagos para picnic/Pinic Lake Campdground
Zonas verdes con circuitos ecologicos/Green áreas with ecological circuit
Circuitos para ciclistas/Cycle Path
Rodeado de centros comerciales, restauranes/Surrounded by malls, resaturants
Planta de tratamiento de aguas/Water treatment plant
Servicio soterrados/Underground services
Seguridad 24/7/24/7 surveillance
Casa club/Club House
Shuttle para la playa/Shuttle to go to the beach
2 entrada direta a la autovia/2 highway entrances
Reservation: US$ 3,000
Inicial/Downpayment: 10%
Durante la construccion/construction phase: 40%
Al entregar/Upon delivery: 50%
Fase 1 entrega/Phase 1 Delivery: December 2025
Fase 2 entrega/Phase 2 Delivery: July 2026
Fase 3 entrega /Phase 3 Delivery: December 2026
Anuncios Clasificados