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About this item
?Importance Tips?Please examine on the pleteness of all parts required for assembly first once arrived by referring to our installation instructions. Should you find any parts mis just let us know. A power driller would make the entire assembly process much easier and quicker. For having the hinge arms assemb please have them attached to the tabletop first then connect to the table body panels. Correct installation steps will save you more time on having this project done.
?Upgraded Design?By abandoning the general lifter mechanism construction from the bination of springs and metal brack we updated our multifunctional coffee table with hydraulic lifers which are pre-assembled largely saving you from the hassle of stretching the springs to hook on the brackets for further handling. PVC covers for hiding the screw holes to ensure the entire smooth finish look of the table have been offered as well.
?Sturdily Built-up?This wood lift top coffee table is applying rubberwood as its legs rather than pinewood so as to ensure the legs' stronger harness and a better capacity of shoving screws in. The coffee table lift top body is in a neat and stable finish by using P2 particleboard with water-proof lamination over it.
?Space Efficiency?With a perfect height for a living room co our central table could instantly convert to a couch workstation dining table for a movie date night. It contains a hidden partment and a spacious shelf offering ample space for your organization demands.
?Dimensions View?Table weight capacity with closed-up lifter: 100 lbs. Capacity for the liftable tray: 22lbs . Overall dimension: 38''L*19.5''W*24.6''H. Item weight: 46.5lbs.
Unit Count: 1.0
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Información del producto
Detalles del artículo
- Forma: Rectangular
- Tipo de habitación: Sala de es edor
- Acabado de muebles: Madera de caucho
Reseñas d s
- Calificación: 3.9 de 5 estrellas
- 54 valoraciones
Ranking de los más vendidos
number 343,303 en Hogar y Cocina
number 435 en Mesas de centro
Características y Especificaciones
- Característica especial: Almacenamiento
- Tipo de base: Pata
- Uso interior exterior: Interior
del producto: Para obtener más información sobre l de este produ haga clic aquí
Descripción adicional
- Mesa de centro VINGLI Farmhouse Lif mesa de centro rústica gris con tapa eleva mesa de centro con estante de almacenamiento partimento ocu mesa de centro con elevación de gas
- Peso del artículo: 46.5 libras
- R endación de peso máximo: 100 libras
Materiales y Cuidado
- Material del marco: Madera
- Tipo de material superior: Tablero de partículas madera de caucho
- Estilo: Rústico
Detalles adicionales
- Instrucciones de montaje: Requiere ensamblaje
- Distancia de la base a la parte superior: 19.3 pulgadas
- Incluye todas las herramientas de montaje: No
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