Anuncios Clasificados
Excelente coleccion de 60 Librerias para Kontakt con multitud de instrumentos Virtuales de calidad profesional , grabadas en Disco Duro sata de portatil 2.5 con su adaptador de sata a Usb 3.0, muy buena recopilacion de gran variedad de instrumentos digitales especialmente recomendada para coleccionistas.
En este volumen 1 son :
1- 8Dio Steel Strings
2- 12-String & Balalaika
3- Altron
4- Amadeus Symphonic Orchestra
5- Arpology
6- Audiomodern - Sync 3
7- Brio Latin Percussion Ensemble
8- Cimbalom
9- Cinematic Guitars Infinity
10- Cinematic Synth FX
11- Cinesamples - Rio Grooves
12- CL Projects Neutron Pad Synths
13- Clavia Nord Wave
14- Dark Matter
15- DSF Performance Synth Electronica
16- Eclipse
17- Ecliptiq Audio Dawn
18- Ecliptiq Audio Warp
19- Ensemblia 2 Orchestral
20- Evolution Strawberry
21- EWQL Colossus
22- Fairlight CMI IIx
23- Ilya Efimov TC Electric Guitar Strum
24- Klip
25- Kontakt Factory Library
26- KORG M3
27- Korg Trinity
28- Motor Rhythms
29- Mystical Indian Percussion
31- Pink Noise Studio Virology
32- ProjectSam Organ Mystique EXP1.3
33- Rigid Audio Aquiver
34- Refractor Audio Transport
35- Retro Synths
36- S90 ES for Kontakt
37- Sample Logic Morphestra 2
38- Sample Logic Xosphere 2
39- Shortnoise
40- Spectrum
41- SSS-Polysynth Full
42- Studio Drummer
43- Sultan Strings
44- Symphony Essentials Brass Ensemble Library
45- Symphony Essentials Brass Solo Library
46- Symphony Essentials Percussion Library
47- Symphony Essentials String Ensemble Library
48- Symphony Essentials Woodwind Ensemble Library
49- Symphony Essentials Woodwind Solo Library
50- Synth Magic ZED80 Vol 1 and 2
51- Synth Zero-G Herz-OG
52- SYNTHAGE 1.3 for Kontakt
53- TomorrowLand - Elixir Of EDM
54- TMK2 V05
55- Ultimate Stage Pianos
56- Una Corda
57- VC-SSS-3
58- Vivace
59- Yamaha DX7 and DX7 II
60- Yamaha PSR S900
Anuncios Clasificados