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Cinta de pintores azul Gizmo Dorks para impresoras 3D 6.25" x 100'
Gizmo Dorks Blue Painters Tape for 3D Printers 6.25" x 100'
Marca: Gizmo Dorks
Modelo: UNICO
Color: Blue
Talla: Roll - 6.25 inches x 100 feet
-Dimensions : 100 feet x 6.25 inches- -Plastic filament adheres well but prints come off cleanly- -Easy to reapply and remove tape- -No lines on print bottoms from multiple pieces of tape- -Similar to the tape that comes with Makerbot printers- - Gizmo Dorks blue painter's tape is the go-to and cost effective way of covering your 3D printer bed plate. Plastic filament such as ABS or PLA stick well to this tape while also being forgiving enough to let go when your print is finished. The tape is easy to apply and remove, with strong adhesion. The tape is 6.25 inches wide, so you don't have to worry about stringing small 1 inch wide tapes together to form zig-zag rows. For most printer beds, you'll only need one piece of tape. The roll is 100' long and 6.25" wide, so one roll will last through plenty of your prints.
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