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Norton 61463685600 Fb35 5x2x5/8 Banco indio fino
Norton 61463685600 Fb35 5x2x5/8 Fine Indiabench
MARCA: Norton
-India, Nortons smooth cutting aluminum oxide abrasive produces a strong, keen, long-lasting edge and is the choice for the best blend of cut rate and finish
-Benchstones are ideal for hand dimensioning and sharpening of all types of knives, plane blades, chisels, scrapers, or any other tool that needs a flat, sharp edge
-Coarse grit quickly restores worn edges; medium grit produces the average edge needed for most tools; and fine grit produces an even sharper edge
-Using this stone with oil enhances the sharpening action and minimizes the clogging of the stones' surface
-Norton Sharpening Stones have been the world leader for over 150 years
Produce a strong, keen, long-lasting edge on all types of knives, plane blades, chisels, scrapers with Nortons India AO Single Grit Benchstone. Ideal for hand dimensioning and sharpening of tools that need a flat, sharp edge, the smooth cutting aluminum oxide abrasive is the choice for the best blend of cut rate and finish. The coarse grit stone quickly restores worn edges; medium grit produces the average edge needed for most tools; and fine grit produces an even sharper edge. Use with oil to enhance the sharpening action and minimize the clogging of the stone's surface. Norton offers a line of both synthetic (Crystolon and India) and natural (Hard and Soft Arkansas) abrasive benchstones. Choose one stone or a sequence of stones to quickly restore the cutting edge on all straight edge tools. Package of 1. B0006NDPOE
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