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Satin Ice Silver Shimmer Fondant, vainilla, 1 libra
Satin Ice Silver Shimmer Fondant, Vanilla, 1 Pound
Marca: Satin Fine Foods
Modelo: UNICO
Color: Silver
Talla: 1 Pound (Pack of 1)
-1 POUND, SILVER SHIMMER FONDANT: Gives your desserts an ultrafine shimmer with satin classic finish- -WORKABILITY-The pearlescent pigment creates a slightly different firmness and moisture level than other Satin Ice. See below for recommendations.- -USES: Great for use in molds. To cover a cake the paneling technique is recommended- -FLAVOR: Our shimmer fondant has a delicious vanilla flavor- -NUTRITION: Gluten-Free, Nut-Free, Dairy Free, Vegetarian, Kosher Pareve- - The Satin Ice Shimmer Collection is premixed with 100% edible ultra-fine glitter to give your fondant work a touch of elegance without the extra time and materials.- - Storage: Unused fondant should be resealed quickly and wrapped airtight. Trimmings stored separately. Store at ambient temperature, away from direct light.- - Covering Cakes: Crumb coat cake with buttercream. Knead fondant until pliable. Roll 1/16-1/8" thin on a non-stick surface (e.g. baking mat). Use a very light dusting of cornstarch or shortening if needed to prevent sticking. While using the Paneling technique is suggested, you may also drape the fondant to cover, being cautious to work lightly in order to avoid tearing along the edges. - - Covering Cupcakes: Roll to 1/16-1/8" thin, cut into circles the size of the cupcake. Frost lightly with buttercream and apply fondant to top. - - Covering Cookies: Roll to 1/16-1/8" thin, cut into desired shape. Use 1 oz fondant for every 3 oz or more of cookie.
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