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The Spice Way - Pimienta de Alepo premium |8 oz.| Hojuelas de pimienta de Alepo trituradas (pimienta Halaby/Pul Biber/pimienta de Marash/hojuelas de chile de Alepo) Populares en la cocina turca y de Medio Oriente/mediterránea
The Spice Way - Premium Aleppo Pepper |8 oz.| Crushed Aleppo Pepper Flakes (Halaby Pepper/Pul Biber/Marash Pepper/Aleppo Chili Flakes) Popular in Turkish and Middle Eastern/Mediterranean cooking
Marca: The Spice Way
Modelo: TS0417-A700ML-M837
Color: UNICO
Talla: 8 Ounce (Pack of 1)
-ALEPPO PEPPER - Crushed Red Premium Aleppo Pepper.- -UNIQUE FLAVOR - Has a unique sweetness, salty flavor with a moderate heat level, Can be used as an alternative to crushed red pepper and paprika- -THE SPICE WAY FARM - The Spice Way grows, dries and blends spices and herbs in traditional methods, as well as hand picking, sun-drying and hand packing. Our methods ensure no additives or preservatives are used, as well as complete freshness- -GROWING AND PROCESSING USING TRADITIONAL METHODS - See below our complete manufacture process and company details- -TEXTURE AND FLAVOR - Aleppo pepper adds texture and flavor in a wonderful rich way that made it famous throughout the world.- - ALEPPO PEPPER - Crushed Red Premium Aleppo Pepper.UNIQUE FLAVOR - Has a unique sweetness, salty flavor with a moderate heat level, Can be used as an alternative to crushed red pepper and paprikaTHE SPICE WAY FARM - The Spice Way grows, dries and blends spices and herbs in traditional methods, as well as hand picking, sun-drying and hand packing. Our methods ensure no additives or preservatives are used, as well as complete freshnessGROWING AND PROCESSING USING TRADITIONAL METHODS - See below our complete manufacture process and company detailsTEXTURE AND FLAVOR - Aleppo pepper adds texture and flavor in a wonderful rich way that made it famous throughout the world.
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