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The Radio Truck version was used to house the powerful radio equipment of the Artillery batteries staff, there was enough space inside to conduct all of the staff activities from fire plotting on maps and consulting artillery tables to having coffee
> No es metálica (Die Cast)
> No es juguete
> Maqueta de plástico marca ACADEMY, TAKOM, REVELL, HOBBYBOSS, DRAGON, TRUMPETER, TAMIYA, AIRFIX, ZVEZDA según corresponda
> Maqueta de plástico armada, ensamblada, pegada, lijada, pulida, pintada, barnizada
> Maqueta de plástico pintada con aerógrafo usando acrilicos, primers, filtros, barnices y pigmentos marca AmmoMIG, K4, Humbrol, Vallejo
> Wheatering Nivel Ligero
> Washing Nivel Ligero
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