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Tiras nasales para dormir para roncar menos, reducir los ronquidos, funcionan al instante para respirar mejor y dormir bien, extrafuerte, grande, 50 unidades, bronceado
Sleep Nasal Strips for Less Snoring, Reducing snoring, Work Instantly to Breathe Better & Sleep Right, Extra Strength, Large 50 Ct, Tan
Modelo: UNICO
Color: UNICO
Talla: UNICA
-?Snore less & sleep more?Instantly opens nasal passages with extra-strength nose strips. Reduce snoring, improve sleep.- -?Comfortable & reliable?Unlike other anti-snoring devices such as mouth tape, the nasal strips allow you to sleep almost unconsciously during the night, bringing you a full night's sleep without snoring that wakes you and your partner up. You will feel fully rested with the drug-free nasal strips in the morning.- -?Premium material?Extra-strength nasal strips are drug-free, unscented, and non-habit forming to use while sleeping, during the day, or while exercising. Made of soft, comfortable material. Easy to remove and leave no tape residue.- -?Easy to use?Wash your nose and dry it completely before using; place strip on the right spot and press by holding for 30 seconds; wet your nose and loosen the strip from each end slowly when you want to remove it.- -?Suitable for most people?The nasal strips are the popular large size suitable for most people. Includes 50 tan nasal strips to meet long-term needs as your snore stopper.- - The nasal strips work to instantly open your nose for nasal congestion relief. Nasal strips alleviate your nasal congestion by widening your nostrils, helping you take air in more easily. Each nasal strip is uniquely engineered with flexible "spring-like" bands and sticks to the area right above the fl are of each nostril. As the bands attempt to straighten back to their original shape, they gently lift open the sides of the nose, instantly opening your nose for immediate relief. The nasal strips are 50% stronger than other original nasal strips.
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