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Tapones para los oídos Alpine Silence para dormir, concentrarse y viajar - Ajuste cómodo en forma de V y puntas ovaladas suaves - 4 tamaños XS/S/M/L - Protección auditiva cómoda y reutilizable - Hasta 25 dB y reducción de ruido NRR 16 - Rosa
Alpine Silence Ear Plugs for Sleep, Focus & Travel - V-Shape Snug Fit & Soft Oval Tips ? 4 Sizes XS/S/M/L - Comfortable, Reusable Hearing Protection - Up to 25dB & NRR 16 Noise Reduction ? Pink
Marca: Alpine Hearing Protection
Modelo: UNICO
Color: Pink
Talla: Multi-size
-UNIQUE V-SHAPE - The innovative, soft and flexible V-shape ensures a snug fit so that the Alpine Silence ear plugs won't fall out of your ears.- -ULTIMATE COMFORT - The soft oval tips and soft, flexible V-shape provide that extra bit of comfort for longer use. Ideal for moments when you need to fully concentrate or just want to relax. Also perfect as sleeping ear plugs.- -SWITCH TO SILENT MODE - These earplugs offer up to 25 dB noise reduction, helping you sleep, work, and travel better. They prevent overstimulation in noisy environments, giving you the peace you need.- -FOR EVERY EAR - Comes with four tip sizes (XS, S, M, L) so you can always find the perfect fit. No more hassle with ear plugs that don't fit well - there's always a size that fits you.- -REUSABLE AND HYGIENIC - These ear plugs are durable in use: they are easy to clean (which is important for ear protection) and can be used time after time. Ideal hearing protection.- -
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