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Eixo dianteiro original Cannondale para garfos Speed Release.
- SystemSix 2019
- SuperSlice 2019
- SuperSix Evo Disc 2020
- SuperSix Evo Neo 2020
Modelo: k83019
Eixo 100x12mm
Use on: Cannondale CAAD13, Supersix EVO, SystemSix
QR50P - 2 - 12 - 165 - P1.0 - 15
M12 x 1, double-lead thread.
Non-lever option: Cannondale Topstone Carbon, Speed Release Through Axle 142x12 2Lead P1.0 Bolt 165mm, K83010
NOTE:To swap this axle in order to use the SystemSix on a turbo you will need a new derailleur hanger with a single-lead thread, such as this one Cannondale Synapse Carbon 2018, Slate, SuperX, Topstone Derailleur Hanger for 12mm, KP419, K33049. which will then allow you to use the trainer axle Tacx trainer axle M12 x 1mm Fine Thread.
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