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Computador De Mergulho Shearwater Perdix AI
Usado, porém em ótimo estado de conservação !
É só pegar e mergulhar !
Melhor computador de mergulho do mercado, nao acompanha transmissor
The Perdix has a technical open-circuit mode and a rebreather mode; both modes support diving with trimix plus options for planned decompression. Recreational sport divers, who dive only air or nitrox within no-stop required time limits, often find the extensive technical diving displays and option menus unnecessary. When set in the recreational open-circuit mode (aka recreational nitrox mode), the sport diver sees only the features and options meaningful to their style of diving. Also, Shearwater has a simplified Recreational Nitrox User Manual written exclusively for the sport diver audience.
For Perdix owners who perform more than one style of diving, such as instructors, the computer can be easily switched between any of the three modes (recreational open-circuit, technical open-circuit, and rebreather) with no penalty as all decompression calculation data is retained (except when switching to gauge mode).
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