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Comando/Sistema para Monitores de Estúdio Soundtech TS6 Speaker
TS6 Speaker / Indicado para um sistema instalado, onde uma fonte de áudio precisa ser encaminhada para vários pares de alto-falantes (Caixas), para um estúdio de gravação com vários monitores, o TS6 é o "solucionador de problemas.
Soundtech TS6 Speaker/Line Level Switcher
TS6 Speaker/ Line Level Switcher From an installed system where an audio source needs to be routed to multiple speaker pairs, to a recording studio with multiple monitors, to a Pro Audio speaker display, the TS6 is yet another SoundTech "problem solver".
The rugged TS6 is housed in an all-steel chassis with a long-lasting black powder coat finish and attractive silkscreen labeling. Its compact one rack space construction allows the TS6 to fit easily at the top of a rack full of power amps.
In some installed sound systems, an audio source needs to be routed to different zones. Recording engineers often need to preview material through multiple monitors. In retail settings, it is extremely helpful for customers to listen to various speaker pairs. In these situations and more, the TS6 is a requisite tool for an audio professional.
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