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These devices contain four independent 2-input OR gates.
The SN5432, SN54LS32 and SN54S32 are characterized for operation over the full military range of -55°C to 125°C. The SN7432, SN74LS32 and SN74S32 are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.
Technology Family S
VCC (Min) (V) 4.75
VCC (Max) (V) 5.25
Channels (#) 4
Inputs per channel 2
IOL (Max) (mA) 16
IOH (Max) (mA) -0.8
Input type Bipolar
Output type Push-Pull
Features High Speed (tpd 10-50ns)
Data rate (Max) (Mbps) 50
Rating Catalog
Operating temperature range (C) 0 to 70
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