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As cartas variam de preço entre:
Normais (SEM SELO) 13, Holo (COM SELO) 15, as Foils 18 e as Promocionais 8.
SELO: Sem selo ou com selo refere-se apenas ao selo holográfico oval (holo) presente nas cartas mais recentes.
Dual Lands: Beta, Unlimited, Revised, 30th Ed., 30th Ed. Retro Frame
Power 9: : Beta, Unlimited, 30th Ed., 30th Ed. Retro Frame
Fetch Lands: Investida, Zendikar, Secret Lair (SLD), Modern Masters...
Shock Lands: Ravnica, Guilds Ravnica, Secret Lair (SLD)
Foils: Edição, Judge, Secret Lair ...
Abrupt Decay TSR old frame / Ravnica
Academy Manufactor MH 2 (Variantes)
Academy Rector
Academy Ruins Modern Masters / 2XM Full Art
Acererak the Archlich Regular art / Full Art
Acid Rain
Acidic Slime SLD
Ad Nauseam
Adarkar Wastes 10th
Adeline, Resplendent Cathar
Adrix and Nev, Twincasters Full art
Adun Oakenshield
Æther Vial Darksteel / Modern Masters
Æther Vial Iconic Masters / 2X2 Borderless
Aetherflux Reservoir
Agadeem's Awakening Full art
Agent of Treachery
Aggravated Assault Investida / Explorers of Ixalan
Ajani, Mentor of Heroes SLD: Li'l Walkers
Ajani, Sleeper Agent Dominaria Unida Borderless
Ajani, Strength of the Pride
Akroma's Memorial TSR / M13 / Future Sight
Akroma's Will Regular art / Full Art
Aladdin AN
Aladdin's Lamp AN
Alela, Artful Provocateur
Alhammarret's Archive
Ali from Cairo AN
All Hallow's Eve LG
All Is Dust
All Will Be One
Allosaurus Shepherd Jumpstart / 2X2 Borderless
Alms Collector Commander 2017 / SLD
Alpine Moon
Alrund's Epiphany
Altar of Bone
Altar of Dementia Modern Horizons
Amulet of Vigor
Ancestral Vision Espiral Temporal
Ancestral Vision Espiral Temporal
Ancient Brass Dragon Regular art / Full art
Ancient Bronze Dragon Regular art / Full art
Ancient Copper Dragon Regular art / Full art
Ancient Gold Dragon Regular art / Full art
Ancient Greenwarden Regular art / Full art
Ancient Silver Dragon Regular art / Full art
Ancient Tomb Tempest / UMA / ZRE
Ancient Ziggurat
Angel of Jubilation
Angel's Grace
Angelic Field Marshal
Anguished Unmaking Sombras em Innistrad / SLD
Angus Mackenzie LG
Animar, Soul of Elements A25
Animate Dead Beta
Anointed Procession
Anvil of Bogardan
Apex Devastator
Arachnogenesis C15
Arcane Signet Eldraine / 30th An. Promo / SLD: Dan Frazier / Cmd Full Art
Arcbound Ravager Darksteel / Modern Masters
Archaeomancer's Map Full art
Archangel Elspeth Full art
Archangel of Thune M14 / 2XM
Archangel of Tithes
Archfiend of Despair
Archive Trap
Archivist of Oghma Regular art / Full art
Archmage's Charm
Archon of Cruelty
Arclight Phoenix Guildas de Ravnica / SLD
Arcum Dagsson
Arena Rector
Argivian Archaeologist
Argothian Enchantress Urza's Saga / EMA
Arlinn, the Pack's Hope Regular art / Full art / Promo art
Armageddon Beta
As Foretold
Ashaya, Soul of the Wild Full art
Ashcoat of the Shadow Swarm
Ashiok, Dream Render SLD: Li'l Walkers
Ashiok, Nightmare Muse Regular art / Full art
Ashnod's Altar Antiquities / EMA
Assassin's Trophy G. Ravnica / 2X2 Full art / SLD
Athreos, God of Passage
Atraxa, Grand Unifier Regular art / Borderless Ichor
Atraxa, Praetors' Voice CA18 / 2XM / 2XM Full Art / Multiverse
Atsushi, the Blazing Sky showcase
Augur of Autumn Full art
Auntie's Hovel
Aura Shards
Aurelia, the Warleader
Auriok Champion Fifth Dawn / IMA
Austere Command
Authority of the Consuls
Avabruck Caretaker Regular art / Full art
Avacyn, Angel of Hope R. Avacyn / IMA / 2XM Full Art
Avenger of Zendikar
Awaken the Woods Full Art
Azorius Signet SLD: Dan Frazier
Azusa, Lost but Seeking A25 / SLD
Back to Basics Urza's Saga / UMA
Bad Moon Beta
Balan, Wandering Knight Jumpstart 2022
Balance Beta
Balefire Dragon Innistrad / UMA
Balefire Liege
Baleful Strix SLD
Ball Lightning The Dark
Baneslayer Angel C21 Full art
Barkchannel Pathway Full Art
Barrin, Master Wizard
Batterskull New Phyrexia / 2XM / 2XM Full art
Battle Angels of Tyr Regular art / Full Art
Battra, Terror of the City // Dirge Bat Ikoria
Bayou Revised Edition
Bazaar of Baghdad AN
Beacon of Creation
Bear Umbra C18
Beast Within SLD: Monster Movie Marathon
Beastmaster Ascension C14
Beledros Witherbloom Regular art / Full art
Benefactor's Draught C16
Benevolent Hydra Jumpstart 2022
Bennie Bracks, Zoologist
Bennie Bracks, Zoologist Full art
Berserk Beta / Unl / Conspiracy 2 / SLD
Bio-Quartz Spacegodzilla // Brokkos, Apex of Forever Ikoria (Variantes)
Biollante, Plant Beast Form // Nethroi, Apex of Death Ikoria (Variantes)
Birds of Paradise Beta / Unl/ M12 / Ravnica / SLD / DMR Borderless
Birthing Pod New Phyrexia / SLD 30th
Bishop of Wings C20
Bitterblossom Alvorecer / MM2 / UMA / SLD
Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus
Black Knight Beta
Black Market Connections Regular art / Extented art
Black Sun's Zenith
Black Vise Beta
Blackcleave Cliffs Cicatrizes de Mirrodin / ZRE
Blade of Selves C15 / CMD Baldur Full art
Blasphemous Act SLD: Monster Movie Marathon
Blightsteel Colossus Mirrodin Sitiada / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Blightstep Pathway Full art
Blind Obedience C17
Blinkmoth Nexus
Blood Moon Modern Masters / 2XM Full art
Bloodchief Ascension
Bloodforged Battle-axe C17 / 2X2 Full art
Bloodghast Zendikar / SLD
Bloodline Keeper
Bloom Tender Entardecer / 2X2 / 2X2 Borderless
Blooming Marsh
Blue Elemental Blast Summer Magic
Bootleggers' Stash Regular art / Full Art
Boros Signet SLD: Dan Frazier
Boseiju, Who Endures Regular art / Full art / Showcase Art
Boseiju, Who Shelters All
Botanical Sanctum
Bountiful Promenade BBD / ZRE / Cmd Baldur Full art
Braid of Fire Coldsnap/ SLD
Brain Freeze
Braingeyser Beta
Brainstorm 2XM Full Art / Strix JP
Bramble Sovereign BBD / Cmd Baldur Full Art
Branching Evolution JMP
Branchloft Pathway Full art
Brazen Borrower // Petty Theft Regular / Full Art / SLD
Bribery 8th / SLD
Brightclimb Pathway Full art
Brimaz, King of Oreskos Born of Gods / SLD
Bruvac the Grandiloquent
Burgeoning Fortaleza / Conspiracy 2 / SLD
Cabal Coffers Torment / MH 2 / MH 2 Full art
Cabal Ritual
Cabal Stronghold
Caged Sun
Candelabra of Tawnos
Captain Sisay
Captivating Vampire M11
Capture of Jingzhou P3K / Cmd Masters
Carnival of Souls
Carpet of Flowers Urza's Saga / SLD
Cascade Bluffs
Cascading Cataracts
Castle Garenbrig Full art
Castle Locthwain Full art
Castle Vantress Full art
Cavalier of Thorns C20
Cavern of Souls R. Avacyn / MM3 / UMA / ZRE / 2X2 / 2X2 Borderless
Celestial Colonnade WWK / ZRE
Cemetery Prowler Full art
Cephalid Coliseum
Chain Lightning LG
Chain of Smog Investida
Chain of Vapor C16
Chains of Mephistopheles LG
Chalice of the Void Mirrodin / MMA / A25 / TSR Old Frame
Champion's Helm
Chance Encounter
Chandra, Awakened Inferno C20
Chandra, Dressed to Kill Regular art / Full art
Chandra, Hope's Beacon Borderless
Chandra, Torch of Defiance
Chaos Orb Beta
Chatterfang, Squirrel General MH2 / MH2 Full art
Child of Alara
Choice of Damnations
Chord of Calling
Chromatic Lantern R. Ravnica / G. Ravnica / SLD
Chromatic Orrery C21 / C21 Full art
Chrome Mox Mirrodin / EMA / 2XM / 2XM Full art / SLD 30th An.
Chulane, Teller of Tales
Circle of Dreams Druid
City in a Bottle AN
City of Brass AN / MMA / 2X2 / 2X2 Borderless
City of Shadows
City of Solitude
City of Traitors
Cityscape Leveler Regular art / Full art
Clearwater Pathway Full art
Clever Concealment
Clifftop Retreat
Cloud Key
Cloudstone Curio
Coalition Relic A25
Coat of Arms 8th edition
Collected Company
Collective Brutality
Collective Restraint
Collective Voyage SLD: Pride Across the Multiverse
Collector Ouphe MH
Combat Celebrant
Comeuppance C14
Command Beacon C15
Command Tower Cmd LG Full art
Concordant Crossroads LG / 2X2 / 2X2 Borderless / SLD
Conqueror's Flail C16
Consecrated Sphinx Mirrodin S. / IMA / 2X2 Borderless
Contagion Engine
Contract from Below Beta
Control Magic Beta
Copper Tablet Beta
Copperline Gorge ZRE
Copy Artifact Beta / Unl.
Copy Enchantment
Corpse Dance
Council's Judgment Conspiracy / 2XM Full art
Count Dracula // Sorin the Mirthless Innistrad: Vow (Variantes)
Counterbalance Frente Fria / SLD
Counterspell Beta / Unl. / Strix: Japônes
Court of Grace Cmd LG Full art
Cover of Darkness
Crackle with Power Full art
Cragcrown Pathway Full art
Craterhoof Behemoth R. Avacyn / MM3 / JMP
Crawlspace C13
Creakwood Liege MM2
Creeping Tar Pit ZRE
Crime // Punishment
Crop Rotation 2XM Full Art
Crucible of Worlds Fifth Dawn / 10th / C19 / 2X2 Borderless
Cruel Tutor Portal
Crusade Beta
Crypt Ghast Gatecrash / C14
Cryptic Command Lorwyn / IMA / MMA
Cryptolith Rite
Crystalline Crawler CA18
Culling the Weak
Cultivator Colossus Regular art / Full art
Currency Converter
Curse of Opulence C17
Curse of Vengeance C16
Cursed Mirror C21 Full art
Cursed Scroll
Cursed Totem
Cyclonic Rift R. Ravnica / MM3 / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Cyclopean Tomb Beta
Dack Fayden SLD - Old Frame
Damn MH2 (Variantes)
Damnation PLC / MM3 / TSR / SLD / 2X2 Borderless
Dance of the Dead
Dark Confidant Ravnica / MMA / 2XM / 2XM Full art
Dark Depths Frente Fria / UMA / DMR Borderless
Dark Ritual Beta / SLD / Strix (Japones)
Darkbore Pathway Full art
Darkness TSR Old frame
Darkslick Shores S. Mirrodin / ZRE
Darksteel Forge M14 / 2XM
Darksteel Plate Duel Decks
Dauthi Voidwalker Regular art / Full art / Old frame art
Day's Undoing
Deadeye Navigator
Deadly Rollick
Death Baron
Death Cloud
Death's Shadow Worldwake / SLD
Deathbringer Liege
Deathcap Glade Full art
Deathrite Shaman R. Ravnica / SLD 30th An.
Debt of Loyalty
Decimate SLD
Decree of Pain SLD
Decree of Silence
Deekah, Fractal Theorist C21
Deep Gnome Terramancer Regular art / Full art
Defense Grid Urza's Legacy / 8th Ed.
Defense of the Heart
Defiler of Vigor Full Art
Deflecting Swat
Demonic Consultation Ice Age / SLD
Demonic Hordes Beta
Demonic Tutor Duel Decks / Beta / Rev. / Unl.
Demonic Tutor Strin: EN / Strix: JP / UMA
Den of the Bugbear Regular art / Variantes
Deranged Hermit
Descendants' Path
Deserted Beach Variantes
Deserted Temple
Diabolic Intent Planeshift / BBD
Diabolical Salvation Heroes of the Realm 2017
Diamond Valley AN
Dictate of Erebos
Dig Through Time UMA
Dimir Signet SLD: Dan Frazier
Dire Undercurrents
Disenchant Beta
Displacer Kitten Regular art / Full art
Disrupt Decorum C17
Disrupting Scepter Beta
Divine Intervention LG
Divine Visitation
Dockside Extortionist C19 / 2X2 / 2X2 Borderless
Dolmen Gate
Dong Zhou, the Tyrant P3K
Doom Whisperer G. Ravnica
Doomsday A25
Door of Destinies Alvorecer
Doubling Cube 10th Ed.
Doubling Season Rav. / MMA / BBD / 2X2 / 2X2 Borderless
Dragon Broodmother
Dragon Tempest C17
Dragon's Rage Channeler MH2
Dragonlord Atarka DTK
Dragonlord Dromoka D. Tarikir / 2X2 Borderless
Dragonlord Dromoka
Dragonlord Silumgar D. Tarikir
Dragonskull Summit SLD
Drannith Magistrate Full art
Dreadbore SLD
Dreadhorde Arcanist
Dream Halls
Dreamroot Cascade Variantes
Drogskol Reaver
Drop of Honey AN
Drowned Catacomb M11 / SLD
Dryad Arbor
Dryad of the Ilysian Grove Regular / Full art / SLD
Dust Bowl
Ebondeath, Dracolich Variantes
Echo of Eons
Eidolon of the Great Revel Nyx / SLD
Eiganjo Castle
Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire Showcase
Eladamri, Lord of Leaves
Eladamri's Call Planeshift / MH
Elder Gargaroth C21 / C21 Full art
Eldrazi Conscription UMA / SLD
Eldrazi Monument Zendikar
Eldrazi Temple R. Eldrazi / SLD
Eldritch Evolution
Elenda, the Dusk Rose Ixalan / 2X2 Borderless
Elephant Graveyard AN
Elesh Norn Regular art / Borderless Fun
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite New Phyrexia / Multiverse / SLD
Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines Regular / Phyrexian language
Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines Borderless: Manga / Ichor / C. Preators
Elminster Borderless
Elspeth, Knight-Errant
Elspeth, Sun's Champion Theros / SLD: Li'l Walkers / SLD 30th An.
Elvish Champion
Elvish Piper
Elvish Reclaimer C20
Elvish Spirit Guide Alianças / SLD
Embercleave Variantes
Emerald Medallion Tempest / C14
Emeria, the Sky Ruin Zendikar / SLD
Emeria's Call Variantes
Emiel the Blessed JMP / 2X2 Borderless
Empress Galina
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn R. Eldrazi / UMA / 2X2 Borderless
Emrakul, the Promised End
Emry, Lurker of the Loch Variantes
Endless Ranks of the Dead
Endurance MH2 / MH2 Variantes
Engineered Explosives Fifth Dawn / 2XM / MMA / UMA
Enlightened Tutor MIR / EMA / DMR Borderless / DMR Old Frame
Ensnaring Bridge Fortaleza / 8th ed. / A25
Entomb Odisseia / UMA / DMR Borderless
Erebos, God of the Dead
Erhnam Djinn AN
Ertai, Wizard Adept
Esika, God of the Tree Variantes
Esika's Chariot
Esper Sentinel MH2 / MH2 Sketch
Estrid's Invocation C18
Etched Champion
Eternal Witness CA18
Ethersworn Canonist MMA
Eureka LG
Evolving Wilds SLD
Expedition Map 2XM Full Art
Exploration Urza's Saga / DMR / 2XM / 2XM Full art
Expressive Iteration Strixhaven
Expropriate Conspiracy 2
Exquisite Blood R. Avacyn / JMP
Extraplanar Lens
Extus, Oriq Overlord Strixhaven (Variantes)
Eye of Ugin
Ezuri, Renegade Leader
Fable of the Mirror-Breaker Regular art / variantes
Fable of Wolf and Owl
Fabled Passage Regular art / Variantes
Faerie Artisans C16
Faerie Mastermind Regular art / Full art
Farewell Variantes
Fastbond Beta / Unl.
Fatal Push 2XM Full Art
Fauna Shaman M11
Fellwar Stone SLD: Dan Frazier
Fellwar Stone The Dark
Femeref Enchantress
Fetid Heath
Field of Dreams LG
Field of the Dead
Fiend Artisan Ikoria / Ikoria (Variantes)
Fierce Guardianship
Fiery Confluence CA18
Fiery Emancipation C21 / C21 variantes
Fiery Islet
Final Fortune
Finale of Devastation
Finale of Promise
Finale of Revelation
Fire-Lit Thicket
Fireball Beta
Fist of Suns
Flagstones of Trokair
Flamekin Harbinger
Flawless Maneuver
Flooded Grove
Flusterstorm CMD / IMA
Food Chain M. Mercadian / 2X2
Forbidden Orchard C. Kamigawa / C16 / 2X2 Borderless
Force of Negation MH1 / 2X2 / 2X2 Borderless
Force of Vigor
Force of Will Alianças / DMR (Retro Frame)
Force of Will EMA / 2XM / 2XM Full art / DMR Borderless
Forced Fruition Lorwyn / SLD
Forcefield Beta / Unl.
Fork Beta / Revised
Forsaken Monument Variantes
Fractured Identity C17
Fracturing Gust
Frenetic Efreet
Fulminator Mage
Fury MH2 / MH2 variantes
Gaddock Teeg
Gaea's Cradle
Galazeth Prismari Strixhaven (Variantes)
Galerider Sliver M14
Gamble Urza's Saga / EMA / SLD
Garruk Wildspeaker SLD: Li'l Walkers
Garruk, Apex Predator M15
Garruk, Cursed Huntsman Variantes
Gate to Phyrexia
Gauntlet of Might Beta / Unl.
Gauntlet of Power
Gemstone Caverns Time Spiral / TSRR
Gemstone Mine
General Kudro of Drannith Ikoria (Variantes)
Genesis Wave
Geralf's Messenger
Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant
Ghidorah, King of the Cosmos // Illuna, Apex of Wishes Ikoria (Variantes)
Ghoulcaller Gisa C14
Gideon Blackblade
Gideon of the Trials
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
Gilded Drake
Gilded Goose Full art
Gilded Lotus
Gilt-Leaf Palace
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight A25
Gisela, the Broken Blade
Gishath, Sun's Avatar
Giver of Runes
Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor Full art
Glacial Fortress M11 / SLD
Glen Elendra Archmage MMA
Glimpse of Nature C.Kamigawa / SLD 30th An.
Go-Shintai of Life's Origin
Goblin Engineer MH2 (Moldura Antiga)
Goblin Guide Zendikar / MM3 / 2XM Full Art
Goblin Lackey
Goblin Lore Portal 2
Goblin Rabblemaster Duel Decks
Goblin Settler Starter 1999
Goblin Sharpshooter SLD
Goblin Welder CA 2018
Goblin Wizard The Dark
God-Eternal Bontu
God-Eternal Kefnet
God-Eternal Oketra
Goldspan Dragon Regular art / Full art
Golgari Signet SLD: Dan Frazier
Golgothian Sylex
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim
Goryo's Vengeance
Grafdigger's Cage
Grand Abolisher M12 / C14 / SLD
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV MMA / 2X2 Borderless
Grand Crescendo Regular art / Full art
Grapeshot Strix (Japones)
Grave Pact Stronghold / CMD / 8rh Ed.
Grave Titan M11
Gravecrawler Ascensão das Trevas / SLD
Graven Cairns
Great Whale
Greater Auramancy
Green Sun's Zenith Mirrodin Sitiada /EMA
Greensleeves, Maro-Sorcerer Regular art / Full art
Grenzo, Havoc Raiser Conspiracy 2
Grief MH2 / MH2 variantes
Griffin Canyon
Grim Flayer
Grim Hireling Forgotten Realms (Variantes)
Grim Monolith
Grim Tutor S99 / C21 / C21 variantes
Grimgrin, Corpse-Born
Grinding Station
Grist, the Hunger Tide MH2 / MH2 variantes
Grove of the Burnwillows Future Sight / ZRE
Growing Rites of Itlimoc
Gruul Signet SLD: Dan Frazier
Guan Yu, Sainted Warrior P3K
Guardian Beast AN
Guardian Project
Gwendlyn Di Corci LG
Hall of Gemstone
Hall of Heliod's Generosity MH1
Hall of the Bandit Lord C. Kamigawa / SLD
Hallowed Haunting Regular art / Full art
Halo Fountain Borderless
Halvar, God of Battle Kaldheim (Variantes)
Hammer of Nazahn C17
Hangarback Walker
Hardened Scales CA 2018 / 2X2 Borderless
Haunted Ridge Variantes
Havengul Lich
Hazezon Tamar LG
Hedron Crab
Heliod, Sun-Crowned Regular art / Full art / SLD
Heliod's Intervention Theros Variantes
Helix Pinnacle
Hellfire LG
Hellkite Courser Variantes
Hellkite Tyrant C16
Helm of Obedience
Helm of the Host
Hengegate Pathway Variantes
Herald's Horn C17
Heritage Druid
Hermit Druid
Hero of Bladehold
Heroic Intervention AER / Forgotten Realms / C21 Variantes
Hidetsugu Consumes All
Higure, the Still Wind
Hinterland Harbor
Homeward Path CMD
Hopeful Initiate Variantes
Horizon Canopy Future Sight / IMA / ZRE
Howling Mine Beta
Hullbreacher Regular art / Full art
Hullbreaker Horror variantes
Hunting Grounds
Huntmaster of the Fells
Hurkyl's Recall Antiquities
Hydroid Krasis
Hypnotic Specter Beta
Ice Storm Beta
Ice-Fang Coatl Modern Horizons
Ichormoon Gauntlet
Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant Forgotten Realms (Variantes)
Icy Manipulator Beta
Idyllic Tutor
Ifh-Bíff Efreet AN
Ignoble Hierarch MH2 / MH2 Moldura Antiga
Ilharg, the Raze-Boar
Illusionary Mask Beta
Illusionist's Bracers
Illusions of Grandeur
Imp's Mischief
Imperial Recruiter P3K / 2XM / A25 / MH2 Variantes
Imperial Seal P3K / 2X2 / 2X2 Borderless
In the Eye of Chaos LG
Indatha Triome Regular art / variantes
Indomitable Creativity
Inexorable Tide
Infernal Tutor
Inferno of the Star Mounts Forgotten Realms (Variantes)
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
Inkmoth Nexus Mirrodin Sitiada / SLD / SLD: Phyrexiano
Inkshield C21 Variantes
Inquisition of Kozilek
Inspiring Vantage
Intrepid Adversary
Intruder Alarm 8th ed. / SLD
Invasion of Ikoria
Invasion of New Phyrexia
Invasion of Tarkir
Inventors' Fair
Invoke Prejudice LG
Iona, Shield of Emeria
Iroas, God of Victory
Island of Wak-Wak AN
Isochron Scepter
Isolated Chapel
It That Betrays
Ivory Tower Antiquities
Iymrith, Desert Doom Forgotten Realms (Variantes)
Izzet Signet SLD: Dan Frazier
Jace, the Mind Sculptor A25 / SLD / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Jace, the Perfected Mind Borderless Manga
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
Jadelight Ranger
Jayemdae Tome Beta
Jeska's Will Regular art / Full art
Jester's Cap
Jester's Mask
Jet Medallion Tempest / C14 / SLD
Jetmir's Garden Borderless
Jeweled Lotus Cmd Legends ou Masters - regular / variantes
Jin-Gitaxias Regular art / Booster Fun
Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur New Phyrexia / SLD
Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant Kamigawa: regular art / full art
Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant Phyrexia: (Borderless Concept Preators)
Joraga Warcaller C14
Junji, the Midnight Sky Showcase
Juzám Djinn AN
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth C19
Kaalia of the Vast 2XM Full Art
Kaito Shizuki Kamigawa: Borderless / Showcase
Kaldra Compleat MH2
Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
Kalonian Hydra M14
Kappa Cannoneer
Karakas Legends / EMA
Karametra, God of Harvests
Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant Forgotten Realms (Variantes)
Karlov of the Ghost Council C15
Karmic Justice
Karn Liberated JMP2 / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Karn, Legacy Reforged
Karn, Scion of Urza
Karn, Silver Golem
Karn, the Great Creator War of Spark / SLD
Karn's Sylex
Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund
Kataki, War's Wage
Kaya, Orzhov Usurper
Keranos, God of Storms
Kethis, the Hidden Hand C20
Ketria Triome Regular art / Variantes
Khabál Ghoul AN
Khalni Hydra
Kharis & The Beholder Heroes of the Realm 2018
Kibo, Uktabi Prince Jumpstart 2022
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker C. Kamigawa / MMA / TSR Old frame
Kindred Discovery C17 / Cmd Baldur: Full art
Kindred Dominance C17
Kindred Summons C17
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Ikoria / Ikoria (Variantes)
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy
Kira, Great Glass-Spinner T. Kamigawa / SLD
Kjeldoran Outpost
Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient Forgotten Realms (Variantes)
Klothys, God of Destiny
Knight Exemplar Duel Decks / SLD
Knollspine Dragon
Knowledge Exploitation
Kodama of the West Tree Showcase
Kodama's Reach SLD: Purrfection
Kokusho, the Evening Star Campeões de Kamigawa
Kolaghan's Command 2X2 Borderless
Koma, Cosmos Serpent Variantes
Korvold, Fae-Cursed King
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth R. Eldrazi / UMA / 2X2 Borderless
Kozilek, the Great Distortion OGW / SLD
Krark-Clan Ironworks
Krark's Thumb
Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger Regula art / Full art / SLD
Kruphix, God of Horizons
Lady Sun P3K
Lady Zhurong, Warrior Queen P3K
Lake of the Dead
Land Equilibrium LG
Land Tax LG / 4th / BBD / 2XM
Last Chance Portal
Leaf-Crowned Visionary Full Art
Ledger Shredder Regular art / Full art
Legion Loyalist
Leyline Binding Full art
Leyline of Anticipation M11
Leyline of Sanctity M11
Leyline of the Void Guildpact / C20
Library of Alexandria AN
Lich Beta
Lich Lord of Unx
Liege of the Hollows
Lier, Disciple of the Drowned
Life from the Loam Ravnica / Duel Decks / SLD
Lighthouse Chronologist
Lightning Bolt Beta / GP/ Strix (Japones)
Lightning Greaves Mirrodin / C19 / 2XM Full Art
Lightning Helix Strix (Japones)
Liliana of the Dark Realms M14 / SLD
Liliana of the Veil Dominaria Unida regular art / borderless
Liliana of the Veil Innistrad / MM3
Liliana, Dreadhorde General Regular art / Japanese art
Liliana, Heretical Healer
Liliana, the Last Hope Lua Arcana / 2X2 / 2X2 Borderless
Liliana, Waker of the Dead C21 Variantes
Linvala, Keeper of Silence R. Eldrazi / SLD
Lion's Eye Diamond
Lita, Mechanical Engineer Jumpstart 2022
Lithoform Engine Regular art / Full art
Liu Bei, Lord of Shu P3K
Living Death CA18
Living End
Living Plane LG
Llanowar Elves Beta
Lolth, Spider Queen Variantes
Loran of the Third Path Full art
Lord of Atlantis Beta
Lord of the Pit Beta
Lord of the Undead 10th Ed. / SLD
Lord of the Void
Lord Windgrace SLD: Look at the Kitties
Lotus Bloom MMA
Lotus Cobra Zendikar / SLD
Lotus Field
Lotus Petal
Lotus Vale
Loyal Retainers P3K
Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast Ikoria (Variantes)
Luminarch Ascension A25
Luminous Broodmoth Ikoria (Variantes)
Lurking Predators C16
Lurrus of the Dream-Den Ikoria (Variantes)
Luxior, Giada's Gift Regular art / Borderless
Luxury Suite BBD / ZRE / Cmd Baldur Full art
Lyra Dawnbringer Dominaria
M'Odo, the Gnarled Oracle Heroes of the Realm 2017
Ma Chao, Western Warrior P3K
Maddening Hex Regular art / Full art
Maelstrom Archangel
Maelstrom Nexus
Maelstrom Pulse
Maelstrom Wanderer Planechase
Magus of the Moat
Magus of the Moon
Mahamoti Djinn Beta
Mana Confluence Nyx / SLD
Mana Crypt 2XM
Mana Crypt M. Inserts / EMA / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Mana Drain Legends EN / IT
Mana Drain IMA / 2X2 / 2X2 Borderless / Cmd LG Full art
Mana Echoes Investida / 2XM
Mana Flare Beta
Mana Leak Magic Player Rewards
Mana Matrix LG
Mana Reflection
Mana Short Beta
Mana Vault Beta / Unl / Rev / 5th / UMA / 2X2 Borderless
Mana Vortex
Mana Web
Manaform Hellkite Variantes
Manamorphose MMA
Mangara, the Diplomat C21 Variantes
Maralen of the Mornsong
March of Otherworldly Light Showcase
Maskwood Nexus
Massacre Wurm M. Sitiada / C21 Variantes
Master of Cruelties Kit de Guilda: Rakdos
Master of the Wild Hunt A25
Master Transmuter
Maze of Ith The Dark / EMA
Mechagodzilla // Crystalline Giant Ikoria (Variantes)
Mechanized Production
Meddling Mage Conjunção / 2XM Full Art
Meekstone Beta
Melira, Sylvok Outcast
Memory Deluge
Memory Jar
Mental Misstep SLD
Merchant Scroll
Mesmeric Orb
Metallic Mimic
Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker S. Kamigawa / SLD
Midnight Reaper SLD
Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Ascensão das Trevas / UMA / SLD
Minamo, School at Water's Edge
Mind Over Matter
Mind Twist Beta
Mindbreak Trap
Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes Regular art / Borderless
Mirage Mirror
Mirari's Wake Julgamento / C17 / MH2 Variantes
Miren, the Moaning Well
Mirri's Guile
Mirror Gallery
Mirror Universe LG
Mishra, Claimed by Gix
Mishra's Bauble Frente Fria / 2XM / IMA
Mishra's Factory (winter) Antiquities
Mishra's Workshop Antiquities
Mizzix of the Izmagnus C15
Moat LG
Mogis, God of Slaughter
Monastery Mentor
Monastery Swiftspear SLD
Mondrak, Glory Dominus Regula art / Borderless Ichor
Monologue Tax C21 Variantes
Moonveil Regent
Morophon, the Boundless
Morphic Pool BBD / Baldur: Full art / ZRE
Mothra, Supersonic Queen // Luminous Broodmoth Ikoria (Variantes)
Mox Amber Dominaria / Retro frame / Schematic art
Mox Diamond
Mox Opal S. Mirrodin / MM2 / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Mox Tantalite
Multani, Maro-Sorcerer
Murderous Rider // Swift End Variantes
Murktide Regent Regular art / Sketch art
Mutavault Alvorecer / Cmd Baldur
Muxus, Goblin Grandee
Mycosynth Golem
Mycosynth Lattice Darksteel / BBD
Myr Matrix
Myrel, Shield of Argive Regular art / Full art
Mystic Forge C20
Mystic Gate Pantano Sombrio / 2XM
Mystic Remora Ice Age / SLD
Mystical Tutor Mirage / EMA / 6th / DMR Borderless e Retro Frame
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom
Narset of the Ancient Way Ikoria (Variantes)
Narset Transcendent
Narset, Parter of Veils JP Alter / SLD: Li'l Walkers / SLD: Time Trouble Two
Narset's Reversal
Natural Order Visions / Portal / EMA / Strix: EN e JP
Natural Selection Unl.
Nature's Lore SLD
Nature's Will
Necroduality Regular art / Full art
Necrogen Mists
Necropotence Ice Age / 5th / IMA / SLD 30th An.
Needleverge Pathway Variantes
Negate Magic Player Rewards
Neheb, the Eternal
Nesting Dragon C18
Nether Traitor
Nether Void LG
Nethroi, Apex of Death Ikoria (Variantes)
Nevinyrral's Disk Beta
New Blood C17
Nexus of Fate C19
Neyith of the Dire Hunt
Nicol Bolas LG
Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God
Nicol Bolas, the Ravager C19
Nightmare Beta
Nira, Hellkite Duelist Heroes of the Realm 2016
Nirkana Revenant
Nissa of Shadowed Boughs Variantes
Nissa, Ascended Animist Borderless Manga
Nissa, Resurgent Animist Regula art / Full art
Nissa, Vastwood Seer
No Mercy Urza's Legacy / DMR Borderless
Noble Hierarch Conflux / MM2 / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Noxious Ghoul
Noxious Revival
Null Rod
Nurturing Peatland
Nut Collector
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx Theros / Premier Play
Nylea, God of the Hunt
Nyx Lotus Variantes
Nyxbloom Ancient Variantes
Oath of Ghouls
Oath of Nissa
Oathkeeper, Takeno's Daisho
Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin
Ob Nixilis, the Adversary Regula art / Art Deco / Borderless
Ob Nixilis, the Fallen
Oboro, Palace in the Clouds
Ohran Frostfang C19 / SLD
Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers
Oko, Thief of Crowns Regular art / Full art
Old Gnawbone Regular art / Full art
Old Man of the Sea AN
Olivia Voldaren MM3
Olivia, Crimson Bride Regular art / Showcase art
Oloro, Ageless Ascetic C13
Omnath, Locus of All Regular art / Booster Fun
Omnath, Locus of Creation Variantes
Omnath, Locus of Mana Worldwake / Cmd: Green
Omnath, Locus of the Roil C20
Omniscience M13 / C19
Opal-Eye, Konda's Yojimbo
Ophiomancer C13
Opposition Agent Regular art / Full art
Optimus Prime, Inspiring Leader Heroes of the Realm 2018
Oracle of Mul Daya Zendikar / JMP / 2X2 Borderless
Orim's Chant
Orvar, the All-Form Variantes
Orzhov Signet SLD: Dan Frazier
Otawara, Soaring City Regular art / Full art / Showcase art
Oubliette AN
Overgrown Farmland Variantes
Oversold Cemetery
Ox of Agonas Variantes
Pact of Negation Future Sight / A25 / TSR
Painful Quandary
Painter's Servant
Panharmonicon Kaladesh / 2X2 Borderless
Paradigm Shift
Paradox Engine
Paradox Haze
Parallel Lives
Pariah's Shield
Path to Exile Conflux / TSR Retro Frame
Pathbreaker Ibex SLD: Crocodile Jacksons
Patriarch's Bidding
Pearl Medallion Tempest / C14
Pemmin's Aura
Pendelhaven Time Spiral
Pernicious Deed
Personal Tutor Portal / Cmd Masters Variantes
Pest Infestation C21Variantes
Phantasmal Image M12
Phyrexian Altar Invasion / UMA / 2X2 Borderless
Phyrexian Arena Duel Decks
Phyrexian Crusader
Phyrexian Devourer
Phyrexian Dreadnought
Phyrexian Fleshgorger Full Art
Phyrexian Metamorph 2XM Full Art
Phyrexian Negator
Phyrexian Obliterator A25 / Phyrexia: Borderless Ichor
Phyrexian Tower Urza's Saga / JMP / UMA
Phyrexian Vindicator
Pillar of the Paruns
Pir, Imaginative Rascal BBD / SLD
Pirated Copy Jumpstart 2022
Pitiless Plunderer
Plague Engineer
Plague of Vermin
Platinum Angel
Platinum Emperion
Plaza of Heroes Dominaria Unida Extended Art
Polluted Bonds
Polukranos, Unchained Variantes
Ponder TSR Retro Frame / SLD 30th An.
Portal to Phyrexia Regular art / Full art
Post, Son of Rich // K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth SLD
Post's Citadel // Bolas's Citadel SLD
Power Artifact Antiquities
Praetor's Grasp
Preacher The Dark
Preordain SLD
Preston, the Vanisher Jumpstart 2022
Priest of Titania
Primal Amulet
Primal Beyond
Primal Vigor C13
Primeval Titan M11 / TSR Retro Frame
Primordial Hydra M12
Prismari Command
Prismatic Omen Shadowmoor / SLD
Prismatic Vista MH1 / MH2 Retro Frame / ZRE
Privileged Position Ravnica / 2X2 Borderless
Profane Tutor Variantes
Professor Onyx Regular art / Full art
Propaganda C13
Prosper, Tome-Bound Variantes
Proteus Staff
Psionic Blast Beta
Puresteel Paladin
Purphoros, God of the Forge
Pyramids AN
Queen Marchesa Conspiracy 2
Quest for Ula's Temple
Questing Beast Regula art / Full art
Quicksilver Amulet
Radiant, Archangel
Raffine's Tower Borderless
Rafiq of the Many 2X2
Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer Regular art / Variantes art / Multiverse
Raging Ravine
Raging River Unl
Rain of Gore
Rain of Riches Variantes
Rakdos Signet SLD: Dan Frazier
Ramos, Dragon Engine Retro Frame
Rampaging Ferocidon
Ranger Class
Ranger-Captain of Eos
Rankle, Master of Pranks Regular art / Full art
Rasputin Dreamweaver LG
Rat Colony Dominaria
Ratcatcher A25
Raugrin Triome Regular art / Variantes
Ravages of War P3K
Razaketh, the Foulblooded
Razorverge Thicket S. Mirrodin / ZRE
Reanimate Tempest / UMA
Recruiter of the Guard Conspiracy 2
Recurring Nightmare
Red Elemental Blast Beta
Reflecting Pool Tempest / Cmd: Baldur Extended Art
Reforge the Soul
Regal Behemoth Conspiracy 2
Regrowth Beta
Rejuvenating Springs Commander LG: Regula art / Full art
Reki, the History of Kamigawa
Rekindling Phoenix
Relentless Dead
Repercussion Urza's Legacy / SLD
Reshape the Earth Commander LG Variantes
Resourceful Defense Variantes
Resplendent Angel C19
Rest in Peace
Retribution of the Meek
Retrofitter Foundry C18
Revel in Riches
Rhonas the Indomitable
Rhys the Redeemed
Rhystic Study Prophecy / JMP / JMP22
Rielle, the Everwise Ikoria (Variantes)
Righteous Valkyrie Kaldheim (Variantes)
Rin and Seri, Inseparable C21
Ring of Ma'rûf AN
Rings of Brighthearth
Riptide Laboratory
Rise of the Dark Realms M14 / SLD
Rishadan Port Mascara de Mercadia
Rite of Replication Zendikar
Riverglide Pathway Variantes
Robber of the Rich Variantes
Robe of Stars Variantes
Rockfall Vale Variantes
Rodolf Duskbringer Jumpstart 2022
Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary
Rooftop Storm
Root Maze 10th Ed.
Rootbound Crag SLD
Rootpath Purifier Regular art / Full art
Rot Hulk Game Night
Royal Assassin Beta
Ruby Medallion Tempest / C14
Rugged Prairie
Saheeli Rai Kaladesh
Sakashima of a Thousand Faces Commander LG
Sakashima the Impostor
Sakashima's Student Planechase
Sanctum of Eternity C19
Sanctum Prelate Conspiracy 2 / SLD
Sapphire Medallion Tempest / C14
Sarkhan, Fireblood C19
Savage Beating
Savai Triome Regular art / Variantes
Savannah Lions Beta
Savor the Moment Shadowmoor / SLD
Scalelord Reckoner Commander 2017
Scapeshift Alvorecer / C19
Scavenging Ooze M14 / SLD
Scheming Symmetry C20
Scion of Draco MH2 (Variantes)
Scion of Oona
Scorched Ruins
Scourge of the Skyclaves Regula art / Full art
Scourge of the Throne Conspiracy
Scroll Rack Tempest / Cmd legends Full art
Scrying Sheets
Sea Gate Restoration Regula art / Full art
Sea of Clouds BBD / ZRE / Baldur: Full art
Seachrome Coast S. Mirrodin / ZRE
Search for Azcanta
Season of the Witch The Dark
Seasoned Pyromancer MH1 / 2X2 Borderless
Secluded Glen
Sedge Sliver
Sedge Troll Beta
Sedris, the Traitor King
Seedborn Muse Cmd: Green
Seeds of Innocence
Seizan, Perverter of Truth
Seize the Day UMA
Selesnya Signet SLD: Dan Frazier
Selfless Spirit
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Conspiracy 2 / Cmd Masters Variantes
Selvala's Stampede Conspiracy 2
Sen Triplets
Sengir Vampire Beta
Sensei's Divining Top C. Kamigawa / EMA / 2X2 Borderless
Serendib Efreet AN
Serra Angel Beta
Serra Ascendant M11 / IMA / SLD
Serra Paragon Regular art / Full art
Serra the Benevolent SLD
Serra's Sanctum
Seshiro the Anointed
Sevinne's Reclamation C19
Shadowborn Apostle M14
Shadowspear Variantes
Shadrix Silverquill Variantes
Shahrazad AN
Shallow Grave
Shapers' Sanctuary
Shark Typhoon Ikoria (Variantes) / SLD 30tth An.
Shattered Sanctum Variantes
Shattering Spree
Shatterskull Smashing Variantes
Sheoldred Regular art / Booster Fun
Sheoldred, the Apocalypse Regular art / Stained Glass / Phyrexiano
Sheoldred, Whispering One New Phyrexia / IMA / Multiverse / SLD Phyrexiano
Shield of Kaldra
Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep
Shipwreck Marsh Variantes
Shivan Devastator DMU Full art
Shivan Dragon Beta / SLD
Shizo, Death's Storehouse
Show and Tell
Sidisi, Undead Vizier
Sigarda, Host of Herons
Sigarda's Aid
Silence TSR Retro Frame
Silent Clearing
Silverback Elder Extended Art
Simic Signet SLD: Dan Frazier
Singing Tree AN
Sinkhole Beta / Unl
Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon S. Mirrodin / 2XM / Multiverse
Skullbriar, the Walking Grave Commander
Skullclamp Darksteel / C15 / SLD
Skyclave Apparition
Sliver Hive M15
Sliver Hivelord M15 / SLD
Sliver Legion Future Sight / TSR / SLD
Sliver Overlord
Sliver Queen
Smothering Tithe Lealdade em Ravnica / 2X2 Borderless
Smuggler's Share Regula art / Variantes
Snapcaster Mage Innistrad / MM3 / UMA
Sneak Attack Urza's Saga / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Snuff Out Duel Decks
Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance Showcase
Sol Ring Beta / Revised
Sol, Advocate Eternal Heroes of the Realm 2018
Soldevi Excavations
Solemn Simulacrum SLD
Solitude Regular art / Full art
Solphim, Mayhem Dominus
Song of the Dryads C14
Sorin Markov M12
Sorin the Mirthless Regular art / Variantes / Showcase
Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord C20
Soul-Scar Mage
Sower of Temptation SLD
Spara's Headquarters Borderless
Spark Double
Species Specialist C20
Spectator Seating Commander LG / Full art
Spell Pierce SLD
Spell Queller
Spellseeker BBD / SLD
Sphere of Resistance
Sphinx's Revelation
Spire Garden BBD / ZRE / Baldur: Full art
Spirebluff Canal
Splinter Twin
Squandered Resources
Staff of Domination
Starfield of Nyx
Stasis Beta / SLD
Static Orb
Steel Overseer M11
Steelshaper's Gift
Steely Resolve
Sterling Grove
Stolen Strategy BBD
Stonecoil Serpent Variantes
Stoneforge Mystic Worldwake / 2XM / 2XM Full Art / SLD
Stonehoof Chieftain C16
Stormcarved Coast Variantes
Stranglehold Cmd Anthology
Strip Mine Antiquities / 4th Ed. / ZRE
Su-Chi Antiquities
Subterranean Tremors Conspiracy 2
Subtlety Regular art / Full art
Sudden Substitution C19
Sulfur Falls
Sulfurous Springs
Summoner's Pact MMA
Sunbaked Canyon
Sundial of the Infinite M12
Sundown Pass Variantes
Sunken Ruins
Sunpetal Grove SLD: Special Guest: Matt Jukes
Supreme Verdict R. Ravnica / 2X2 Borderless
Surgical Extraction New Phyrexia / MM2 / 2X2 Borderless
Survival of the Fittest
Svyelun of Sea and Sky Regular art / Variantes
Swan Song Theros / SLD
Sword of Body and Mind S. Mirrodin / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Sword of Feast and Famine S. Mirrodin / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Sword of Fire and Ice
Sword of Fire and Ice Darksteel / MMA / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Sword of Forge and Frontier
Sword of Hearth and Home Regular art / Variantes / Retro Frame
Sword of Kaldra
Sword of Light and Shadow Darksteel / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Sword of Once and Future Regula art / Full art
Sword of Sinew and Steel
Sword of the Ages LG
Sword of the Animist C17
Sword of the Meek
Sword of Truth and Justice Modern Horizons / SLD
Sword of War and Peace New Phyrexia / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Swords to Plowshares Beta / Strix (Japones)
Sygg, River Cutthroat
Sylvan Caryatid
Sylvan Library LG / 4th / EMA / Cmd: Green
Sylvan Library DMR Borderless / Retro Frame
Sylvan Safekeeper Commander Anthology
Sylvan Safekeeper Judgment / Cmd Anthology
Sylvan Tutor Portal
Synapse Sliver
Tainted Adversary Regular art / Full art
Tainted Pact Odisseia / Strix: EN e JP art
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire Variantes
Talisman of Conviction SLD: Dan Frazier
Talisman of Creativity SLD: Dan Frazier
Talisman of Curiosity SLD: Dan Frazier
Talisman of Dominance Mirrodin / SLD: Dan Frazier
Talisman of Hierarchy SLD: Dan Frazier
Talisman of Impulse SLD: Dan Frazier
Talisman of Indulgence Mirrodin / SLD: Dan Frazier
Talisman of Progress Mirrodin / SLD: Dan Frazier
Talisman of Resilience SLD: Dan Frazier
Talisman of Unity SLD: Dan Frazier
Tamiyo, Compleated Sage Kamigawa: variantes
Tamiyo, Field Researcher
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage R. Avacyn / SLD: Li'l Walkers
Tarmogoyf Future Sight / MMA / UMA / MM2 / TSR
Tarnished Citadel
Tasha, the Witch Queen Cmd Baldur: Borderless
Tawnos's Coffin Antiquities
Teferi, Hero of Dominaria Dominaria / SLD
Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir IMA
Teferi, Master of Time C21 / C21 Variantes
Teferi, Temporal Archmage C14
Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim A Guerra dos Irmaos Borderless
Teferi, Time Raveler War of Spark / Japanese art / SLD Retro Frame
Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset Regular art / Variantes
Teferi's Isle
Teferi's Protection C17 / 2X2 Borderless / Strix: EN e JP art
Teferi's Puzzle Box
Tekuthal, Inquiry Dominus
Teleportation Circle
Temporal Aperture
Temporal Manipulation Portal 2 / UMA
Temporal Mastery MM3
Temporal Trespass
Tendershoot Dryad
Terror of the Peaks C21 / C21 Full art
Test of Endurance
Tetravus Antiquities
Tetsuo Umezawa LG
Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools Commander LG (Variantes)
Teysa, Orzhov Scion
Tezzeret the Seeker S. Alara / MM2 / SLD
Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh showcase
Thada Adel, Acquisitor
Thalia and The Gitrog Monster Regular art / Booster Fun
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
Thalia, Heretic Cathar SLD 30th An.
Thassa, Deep-Dwelling Regular art/ Variantes / SLD
Thassa, God of the Sea
Thassa's Oracle Regular art / Variantes / SLD
Thawing Glaciers
The Abyss LG
The Chain Veil M15
The First Sliver
The Gitrog Monster SLD: Imaginary Friends
The Great Henge Regular art / Full art
The Immortal Sun
The Legend of Arena Heroes of the Realm 2018
The Meathook Massacre Regular art / Full art
The Mycosynth Gardens
The Ozolith Ikoria (Variantes)
The Rack Antiquities
The Reaver Cleaver Regular art / Full art
The Royal Scions Regular art / Variantes
The Scarab God Hora da Devastação / SLD
The Secret Lair Heroes of the Realm 2021
The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale LG
The Ur-Dragon Cmd Masters: Regular e Variantes
The Wandering Emperor Regular art / Variantes / Showcase
Thing in the Ice
Thorn of Amethyst Lorwyn / Retro Frame / Schematic
Thornbite Staff
Thought Lash
Thought Vessel C15
Thought-Knot Seer
Thoughtseize IMA / SLD / 2XM Full Art
Thoughtseize Theros / Lorwyn / TSR Retro Frame
Thousand-Year Elixir
Thousand-Year Storm
Thraximundar SLD
Three Visits P3K
Through the Breach
Thrumming Stone
Thrun, the Last Troll
Thunder Spirit LG
Tiamat Regular art / Variantes
Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded SLD
Timber Protector
Time Sieve
Time Spiral
Time Stretch 10th Ed.
Time Vault Beta / Unl / 30th Ed. Retro Frame
Time Warp Tempest / M10 / Strix: EN e JP art
Timeless Lotus
Tinybones, Trinket Thief Jumpstart
Tireless Tracker Sombras em Innistrad / SLD
Titania, Protector of Argoth Commander Anthology
Titania, Protector of Argoth MH2 (Variantes)
Titania, Voice of Gaea
Tolaria West
Tolarian Academy
Tombstone Stairwell
Tome of Legends
Tooth and Nail Mirrodin / MMA
Toothy, Imaginary Friend Battlebond / SLD
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell Variantes
Torment of Hailfire
Torpor Orb
Toshiro Umezawa T. Kamigawa / SLD
Toski, Bearer of Secrets
Tourach, Dread Cantor MH2 (Variantes)
Toxic Deluge C13 / EMA / Cmd: Black / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Toxrill, the Corrosive
Training Center Regular art / Full art
Training Grounds R. Eldrazi / MAT: Regulart e Booster Fun
Transmute Artifact Antiquities
Traverse the Outlands C17
Treasure Map
Treasure Nabber C18
Treasure Vault
Tree of Perdition
Trinisphere Darksteel / 2XM
Triskelion Antiquities
Triumph of the Hordes
True-Name Nemesis C13
Turntimber Symbiosis
Twilight Mire
Twilight Prophet
Two-Headed Giant of Foriys Beta
Tyvar Kell Kaldheim (Variantes)
Uba Mask
Ugin, the Spirit Dragon Ugin's Fate / C21 / C21 Variantes
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger Batalha por Zendikar / SLD
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre R. Eldrazi / UMA / 2X2 Borderless
Umbral Mantle
Umbris, Fear Manifest
Umezawa's Jitte T. Kamigawa / SLD
Unbound Flourishing
Undead Warchief
Underground River Era Glacial
Undergrowth Stadium Regular art / Full art
Underworld Breach Regular art / Full art
Underworld Dreams LG
Undiscovered Paradise
Unfulfilled Desires
Unholy Grotto
Unlicensed Hearse Regular art / Borderless
Unwinding Clock
Urabrask Regula art / Booster Fun
Urabrask the Hidden
Urborg Legends
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth Caos Planar / UMA / TSR
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
Uril, the Miststalker
Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath Regular art / Variantes / SLD
Urza, Lord High Artificer Modern Horizons / DMR Borderless
Urza, Lord Protector
Urza's Bauble
Urza's Incubator C15 / DMR Borderless / DMR Retro Frame
Urza's Mine 2XM Full Art
Urza's Power Plant 2XM Full Art
Urza's Saga Regular art / Sketch Art
Urza's Tower 2XM Full Art
Utopia Sprawl A25 / SLD
Utvara Hellkite Kit de Guilda: Rakdos
Valakut Awakening Variantes
Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle Zendikar / ZRE
Valki, God of Lies Regular art / Variantes / Rúnico
Vampire Nocturnus M13
Vampiric Tutor EMA / DMR Borderless / Cmd: Variantes
Vampiric Tutor Visions / 6th / DMR Retro Frame
Vandalblast TSR Retro Frame
Vanquish the Horde Variantes
Vanquisher's Banner
Vault of Champions Regular art /Full art
Vault of the Archangel Modern Event Deck
Vedalken Archmage
Vedalken Orrery Fifth Dawn / 2X2 Borderless
Veil of Summer C20 / SLD
Vendilion Clique Masters 25
Venerated Rotpriest
Venser, Shaper Savant
Venser, the Sojourner
Verduran Enchantress Beta
Vesuva Espiral Temporal
Vesuvan Doppelganger Beta
Vesuvan Duplimancy Dominaria Unida (Extended Art)
Vexing Puzzlebox Baldur: Borderless
Vexing Shusher
Veyran, Voice of Duality C21 Variantes
Vigor BBD
Vilis, Broker of Blood C20
Vindictive Lich SLD
Visions of Beyond UMA
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose C21 Variantes
Vivien Reid C19
Vivien, Arkbow Ranger C20
Vivien, Monsters' Advocate Ikoria (Variantes)
Vizier of the Menagerie
Vodalian Hexcatcher Dominaria Unida (Extended Art)
Voice of Resurgence
Void Winnower
Voidslime SLD
Volrath's Shapeshifter
Volrath's Stronghold
Vona, Butcher of Magan
Vorinclex Regular art / Booster Fun
Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider Regular art / Variantes / Phyrexiano
Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger New Phyrexia / IMA / SLD Phyrexiano
Vraska, Betrayal's Sting Borderless Manga
Vraska, Golgari Queen
Vraska, Relic Seeker
Vraska's Contempt
Wakening Sun's Avatar
Walking Ballista
Wandering Archaic Strixhaven (Variantes)
War Room Commander LG (Variantes)
Ward of Bones
Warren Instigator
Warrior's Oath P3K / 2X2
Waste Not M15
Wasteland Tempest / EMA / ZRE
Waterlogged Grove
Waves of Aggression
Wayward Swordtooth
Weathered Wayfarer 9th Ed.
Wedding Announcement Variantes
Wedding Ring Regular art / Full art
Werewolf Pack Leader
Wheel of Fortune Beta / Unl / Rev / 30th / 30th Retro Frame
Wheel of Misfortune Cmd Legends Variantes
Wheel of Sun and Moon
Whim of Volrath
White Knight Beta
Will-o'-the-Wisp Beta
Winding Canyons
Winds of Change 4th Ed. / SLD
Winota, Joiner of Forces Ikoria (Variantes)
Winter Orb Beta / EMA
Witch of the Moors
Wooded Bastion
Woodland Cemetery Dominaria
Worldgorger Dragon Eternal Masters
Worldly Tutor EMA / Cmd: Green / DMR Borderless
Worldly Tutor Mirage / 6th / DMR Retro Frame
Worldspine Wurm
Wound Reflection
Wrath of God Beta / SLD
Wrenn and Realmbreaker Regular art / Variantes
Wrenn and Seven Regular art / Variantes
Wrenn and Six MH1 / 2X2 / 2X2 Borderless
Wurmcoil Engine S. Mirrodin / 2XM / 2XM Full Art
Xanathar, Guild Kingpin Forgotten Realms (Variantes)
Xander's Lounge Borderless
Xantcha, Sleeper Agent C18
Xenagos, God of Revels
Xira Arien LG
Yarok, the Desecrated C20
Yavimaya Hollow
Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth Regular art / Full art / Retro Frame
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician MH1 / DMR Borderless / TSR Retro Frame
Yawgmoth's Bargain
Yawgmoth's Will
Yorion, Sky Nomad Ikoria (Variantes)
Youthful Valkyrie
Yuan Shao, the Indecisive P3K
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow C18
Zacama, Primal Calamity
Zagoth Triome Regular art / variantes
Zariel, Archduke of Avernus Forgotten Realms (Variantes)
Zaxara, the Exemplary C20
Zhang Fei, Fierce Warrior P3K
Ziatora's Proving Ground Borderless
Zirda, the Dawnwaker Ikoria (Variantes)
Zodiac Dragon P3K
Zombie Master 6th Ed.
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