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Cartucho para Super Nintendo com 101 jogos
Os jogos mais populares e mais jogados em um único cartucho.
Vários jogos salvam, confira a listagem com todas as informações nas fotos.
Relação dos Jogos:
001 - ActRaiser
002 - Aladdin
003 - Alien VS Predator
004 - Arkanoid: Doh It Again
005 - Base Ball 2
006 - Batman Returns
007 - Biker Mice From Mars
008 - Bio Metal
009 - Black Thorne
010 - Super Bomberman
011 - Breath of Fire
012 - Bust-A-Move
013 - Captain Novolin
014 - Caravan Shooting Collection
015 - Castlevania Dracula X
016 - Super Castlevania IV
017 - Choplifter 3
018 - Chrono Trigger
019 - Clue
020 - Columns
021 - Congo's Caper
022 - Contra III: The Alien Wars
023 - CyberSpin
024 - Earthbound
025 - Earth Worm Jim 2
026 - E.V.O.
027 - Family Feud
028 - Fatal Fury 2
029 - Final Fight 3
030 - Final Fight
031 - Final Fantasy III
032 - Final Fantasy II
033 - Final Fantasy IV
034 - Fire Fighting
035 - First Samurai
036 - Frogger
037 - Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts
038 - Goof Troop
039 - Gradius III
040 - Harvest Moon
041 - Home Alone
042 - The Hunt For Red October
043 - Hyper Zone
044 - Illusion of Gaia
045 - Incantation
046 - Indiana Jones
047 - James Bond Jr.
048 - Jeopardy Deluxe
049 - Jeopardy Sports
050 - Jurassic Park 2
051 - Jurassic Park
052 - Kablooey
053 - Killer Instinct
054 - King Arthur's World
055 - Kiwame 2
056 - Kiwame
057 - Krusty's Super Fun House
058 - Lion King (Rei Leão)
059 - Lost Vikings
060 - Lufia II
061 - Micro Machines
062 - Magical Quest
063 - Mahjong 2
064 - Super Mario All Star + Super Mario World
065 - Super Mario World Return to Dinosaur Land
066 - Megaman VII
067 - Megaman X
068 - Super Metroid
069 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
070 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
071 - Mortal Kombat 2
072 - NBA Jam Tournament Edition
073 - Ogre Battle
074 - Pac-Attack
075 - Pac-Man
076 - Paperboy 2
077 - Prince of Persia
078 - Q-bert 3
079 - Super R-Type
080 - Rock N' Roll Racing
081 - Secret of Mana
082 - Street Fighter II Turbo
083 - Sim City
084 - Smash TV
085 - International Super Star Soccer
086 - Sunset Riders
087 - Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits
088 - Super Mario World
089 - Tatakae Genshijin 2
090 - Tom and Jerry
091 - Top Gear
092 - Super Turrican
093 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
094 - Universal Soldier
095 - Wild Guns
096 - Wild Snake
097 - Wings 2
098 - X-Men Mutant Apocalypse
099 - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
100 - Zombies Ate My Neighbors
101 - Zoop
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