o Compra Transductor Ultrasonico 40khz 22mm Cable 2m Arduino Itytarg en Mendoza por $ 9263

Transductor Ultrasonico 40khz 22mm Cable 2m Arduino Itytarg

Ubicacion: Maipú, Mendoza
Disponibilidad: en stock en stock
Estado: Nuevo

En Oferta:
$ 9.263
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Transductor ultrasonico 40Khz
Con 2 metros de cable (aprox)

Assembled Ultrasonic Sensor
Fully assembled with attractive protective case, ready-to-use Ultrasonic Sensor. As used in parking and object detection systems. Single unit only required, a short pulse of 0.5ms 40kHz is applied to the unit, the unit then acts as a receiver to detect the presence or distance of an object.

Ideal for Outdoor Applications
Echo Sensitivity: >350mV
Nominal Frequency: 40kHz
Operating Temperature: -40oC to +80oC
Mounting Hole: 22mm Diameter
Dimensions: 25.6mm Diameter, 22mm High excluding cable, Cable - 2m
2 pins: 2.54mm

There are only two wires. How can I drive the sensor and read distance from it?
I specifically need to know what the input and output pulses should look like (voltage/duration).

Conceptually, I need to send a pulse of some magnitude and duration, and then measure the time before a signal is received back. That seems simple enough to be done with a 5V microcontroller and few other components, but I don't know for sure because I can't find much data on these sensors.

A common bidding site has the following 'data' for these sensors:

Allowable Maximum Input Voltage ( Vp-p): 140 (40KHz)
Pulse width: 0.5ms
interval: 20ms
Decay Time: =1.2ms
140V input pulse? Is that right or just a mistranslation? If it's right, I think it would be more cost effective to buy a driver for it.

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