o Compra Speaker Cable Van Den Hul Clearwater 3mts Set + Conectores en Buenos Aires por $ 770000

Speaker Cable Van Den Hul Clearwater 3mts Set + Conectores

Ubicacion: Martínez, Buenos Aires
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Estado: Nuevo

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$ 770.000
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Van Den Hul The Clearwater Cable 3Metros par (set conectores VDH DIY x 8)


Cable Type: Twin conductor
Conductor Material: High purity dense Silver coated high purity Matched Crystal OFC
Design Purpose / Application Area(s): Loudspeaker cable
Eff. Conductor Ø/Eq. AWG No./Strands: 2x(1.97 mm_ / ~AWG 14 / 98)
External Diameter / Dimensions: 15 mm wide; 4.0 mm thick
Resistance 20 °C / 68 °F: 0.9 Ohm/100 m
Capacitance: 17.5 pF/m
Insulation / Dielectric Strength / Test Voltage: HULLIFLEX ® 3 / 300 Vrms min
Connector Types Suitable: 3.0 mm. Ø cable entrance diameter Bus type Universal Speaker Connectors or our DIY Screw-On Speaker Connectors; Both custom mountable on ordered lengths
Standard Sales Units / Lengths: 100m reels; With connectors mounted to specifications: any length or without connectors
Jacket Colours Available: Transparent
Remarks: The CLEARTRACK is a quadruple lead / bi-wiring version of this cable; The GOLDWATER is a version of this cable especially suited for the more harsh (tropical) environments. Other twin-lead speaker cables in our AWG 14 range are: The CLEARLINE, The SKYLINE HYBRID, The SNOWLINE, The BRIDGE and The GOLDWATER

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