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Pulsera Silicona Rfid 125khz Tk4100 Sumergible Celeste.
Tamaño mediano (medium) 70mm
Color Celeste
Código Fijo
EM4100 Protocol description.
RFID transponders (Tags) are devices carrying digital information that can be read from a distance by aRFID transceiver (Reader). In order to be able to read the information stored on the RFID tags the readermust know how the information is stored and the protocol for extracting it. One of the more common dataformats for RFID transponders is the EM4100 protocol, named so because the microchip at the heart ofthe Tag is based on the controller chip made by the company EM Microelectronic.
Reading an EM4100 RFID Transponder.
EM4100 compatible RFID transponders carry 64 bits of Read Only memory. This means that information can be read from the Tag but no data can be changed, or new data written to the card once the card hasbeen programmed with the initial data. The format of the data is as shown here.
9 bit header bits, all 1's
8 bit version number
or customer ID.
Each group of 4 bits
is followed by an Even
32 Data Bits
parity bit
4 column Parity bits
1 stop bit (0)
When the Tag enters the electromagnetic field transmitted by the RFID reader it draws power from the fieldand will commence transmitting its data as shown above. The first 9 bits are a logic 1. These bits are used asa marker sequence to indicate the beginning of the string. As Even parity is used throughout the data this 9 bitsequence of 1's will not occur at any other location in the string. This is followed by 10 groups of 4 data and 1even parity bits. Finally there are 4 bits of column parity (Even) and a stop bit (0). The Tag then continues torepeat this string as long as it has power.Shown here is an example string for a proximity card that has the data $06 (version number), and $001259E3as a data string.
Data modulation.
As discussed in RFID basics the RFID transponder is able to transmit its data by modulating the RF field ofthe Reader. Here we discuss 3 popular modulation schemes.Manchester Encoding.BiPhase Encoding.PSK Encoding.
The Transponder and Reader use the individual cycles of the RF field to syncronize the data transmissionbetween the two. The frequency of the synchronizing clock then simply becomes the frequency of the RF fieldused.RFID system clock frequencies vary according to the application required. In low frequency, short distancesensing of Tags the typical band used is between 100-150Khz. For longer range sensing a system frequencyof 13.56Mhz might be used, or other frequency as the application requires.Of course the designer of an RFID system is restricted to using particular frequency bands as RFID systemsare radio emitting devices and therefore under the control of the local radio frequency regulator bodies.The length of each bit is specified in terms of clock cycles. For the EM4100 protocol bit lengths can be either64, 32, or 16 Clock cycles.Manchester Encoding Scheme.
With Manchester Encoding a Tag will produce a level transition in the middle of the bit period. A low to hightransition represents a logic 1 state, while a high to low transition represents a logic 0 state.BiPhase Encoding Scheme.
Biphase Encoding schemes modulate the RF field so that there is a transition at the beginning of each bitboundary. A logic 0 state has a transition in the middle of the bit period, while a logic 1 state has no transitionduring the entire bit period.
PSK Encoding.
With PSK (Phase Shift Keying) encoding the RF field is modulated so that there is a transition with each clockperiod. This means there can be up to 64, 32, or 16 transitions per bit depending on what bit length the Tag isusing. When a phase shift occurs it represents a logic 0 state, while a logic 1 state is interpreted when there isno phase change at the bit boundary.Priority 1 Design carries a stock of low cost EM4100 compatible Transponders. We also carry a stock oflow cost T5557 RFID Read Write transponders, You can buy EM4100 and T5557 transponders direct fromour online shopfront
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