o Compra Kaossilator Processor Volt Crafty Devices en Capital Federal por $ 120000

Kaossilator Processor Volt Crafty Devices

Ubicacion: CABA, Capital Federal
Disponibilidad: en stock en stock
Estado: Nuevo

En Oferta:
$ 120.000
Esta Oferta Termina en:

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Anuncios Clasificados

If you have a kaossilator pro, sooner or later, you gonna plug a keyboard controller to it, and find the sour reality. kaossilator pro don't respond to midi note on/off events. It only respond to a series of CC messages. A strange mambo jambo needed to act as a normal sound module.

This processor do the math for you and translsate the midi note messages to something that your Kaossilator can understand.

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