Anuncios Clasificados
Herramienta especial para extraer e instalar:
* Modelo: Upgraded version.
* Cajas pedaleras press fit.
* Rulemanes de cajas press fit y hollowtech.
* Cazoletas y/o cubetas de juegos de dirección.
* Presentación en valija de plástico.
* Color: negro.
* Material: Aluminio y acero.
Applicable Press-In And Disassembly Bearing Specifications:
Juego de rulemanes 6805 (25X37X7)
Juego de rulemanes 6806 (30X42X7)
Press-In Type BB R92/T86
R30 (BB30 To BB24 Converter)
tatic Press-In And Removal Of PF30, Bbright, Bb386 And Other Bottom Brackets (Sram's Pf30 Special Bottom Bracket)
Suitable for removing BB86 / BB30 / BB91 / BB92 / PF30 press fit inner bearings and for installing most hollow thread bottom brackets. The latest addition is a 29mm conversion washer that.It is suitable for mounting 29mm DUB bottom bracket. will not damage your bicycle frame and bottom bracket . Let you easily and professionally complete the work.
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