o Compra A-09 Bluetooth Ble 4.0 Uart Serial Hm-11 Itytarg en Mendoza por $ 15706

A-09 Bluetooth Ble 4.0 Uart Serial Hm-11 Itytarg

Ubicacion: Maipú, Mendoza
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The AT-09 is a module that contains a BLE chip (a CC2540/CC2541). This module allows to perform serial communication with the BLE chip thanks to an Rx and a Tx pin. This module is also very similar to the HM-10 module and is also compatible with it. So if you have some experience with the latter, you will get started quickly with the AT-09.

Connecting the Arduino with the module
Let’s start by connecting the Arduino with the AT09 module in order to turn it on. To achieve that, we only need these two pins
AT-09 GND <-> Any Arduino GND Pin
AT-09 VCC <-> Any Arduino 5V Pin or 3.3V Pin
Turn on you Arduino, you should see the AT-09 led blink.
If you have a BLE smartphone, you can also open a BLE scanning app to scan for the AT-09. In my case, I used BlueCap on iPhone. The module was detected as device named ?. You can have a different result.

Sending our first command from the Arduino to the module
To allow the Arduino to communicate with the AT-09 BLE module, we use the serial interface (the TXD and RXD pins). Hopefully, Arduino allows to turn any pair of digital pins into a serial interface using the SoftwareSerial library.
After establishing the serial connection, We can start transmitting data to the AT-09 module. The module understands certain data as commands. These commands are the HM-10 AT commands. We will see some examples in this article. Additionally, you can download the reference here https://github.com/yostane/arduino-at-09/blob/master/hm-10-datasheet.pdf or by searching the internet.
Thus, in order to send command to the module we need to:
Connect the TXD and RXD pins of the module to any pair of Arduino pins other than 1 and 2.
Ask the Arduino to convert that pair of pins into a serial interface.
Send AT commands to the module and receive their responses.
Let’s connect the TXD and RXD pins with the Arduino like this:
AT-09 RXD <-> Arduino PIN 3
AT-09 TXD <-> Arduino PIN 2

Of course, you can connect the RXD and TXD pins to any Arduino digital Pin (other than 0 and 1).
Next, we declare the serial interface like this: SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3). This means that the arduino will use pin2 will be used for reception and pin 3 for transmission.
After that, we can begin the serial communication by calling mySerial.begin(9600) and send the first command mySerial.println(“AT”).
The AT command allows to verify that we are correctly connected and return “OK” in that case. It acts like a ping command.
In order to display the response in the Arduino serial monitor, we do this little while loop:

HM-11 Bluetooth BLE 4.0 UART clone
Reemplazo de los módulos HM-10 CC2541 CC2540

100% Brand new and high quality!
This small size Bluetooth 4.0 TTL transceiver module allows your target device communicate with.
your iPhone/iPAD, IOS 6 or Android 4.3 above devices.
It's easy to use and completely encapsulated.
You can set it as slave or master.
You can use AT command set the baudrate.


Ultra-low standby power consumption 90uA~400uA
Coverage up to 60 meters
Built in PCB antenna
Power input: 3.6V-6V DC(Can not higher than 6V)
Size: 43mm x 15mm
Color: Blue
Net Weight: 4g

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